Program and Unit Assessment for Continuous Improvement

The unit employs additional processes to ensure fairness, accuracy and consistency in its assessments and CAP, including providing rubrics for all key assessments and major course assessments (Exhibit 2.3.c.1). Assessments are evaluated for accuracy by alignment with program curricula, Kentucky Teacher Standards and ISLLC standards, and candidate developmental proficiencies.  Assessments are also evaluated for fairness in terms of alignment with what is taught and the level of knowledge or skill expected for proficiency. A variety of procedures are in place to assure fairness in decision-making relative to candidates and programs, including group sessions by faculty for reliability in scoring (Exhibit 2.3.c.2). Semiannually, the full faculty and unit administrators evaluate the assessment system for program improvement on "Data Days," which are faculty meetings specifically devoted to data analysis and program evaluation (Exhibit 2.3.d.1). At these meetings, candidate performance on the Benchmark and Anchor assessments from the previous semester is analyzed from both LiveText data and faculty input (Exhibit 2.3.d.2). The analysis determines trends in candidate performance that may indicate changes needed to course curriculum or more substantive programmatic changes. The focus of Data Days is determined by the data manager, in consultation with the Assessment Committee, whose charge is the continuous review and monitoring of the assessment system. Composed of full-time unit faculty and the unit's data manager, the committee works both proactively, bringing data questions and concerns to the full faculty, and reactively, bringing proposals and revisions to existing processes as a result of Data Day decisions. The Assessment Committee and the full faculty are not the sole arbiters of program and unit evaluation and improvement. The Advisory Committee on Education (ACE) plays an integral role in providing feedback on candidate and program data, sharing expertise in teacher and leader preparation, and offering external perspectives on the needs of P-12 students and districts. The ACE meets with unit administrators and full-time faculty every fall and spring for open dialogue and program evaluation (Exhibit 2.3.d.3).


2.3.c.1 Processes and Procedures for Ensuring Fairness, Accuracy and Consistency

2.3.c.2 Sampling of Inter-rater Reliability Data

2.3.d.1 Data Day Faculty Meeting Minutes Sampling

2.3.d.2 Procedures for Benchmark,Anchor Analysis and Sample Analysis Forms

2.3.d.3 Advisory Committee on Education Minutes