INTERNSHIPS (Departmental 444 and 445 courses; BU 250)
Follow your employer’s instructions during the time you are scheduled to work. If Bellarmine is closed or delayed, but your employer is open, you should still plan on going to your job or internship, but only if you are able to do so safely. Otherwise, contact your supervisor.
Students enrolled in School of Education programs assume additional responsibilities related to the K-12 students and cooperating teachers with whom they work in the field. When an inclement weather closing or delayed schedule is issued for the Bellarmine campus, students assigned to field experiences should follow the schedule of their field placement or student teaching assignment. If the K-12 school is open, students should report at their appropriately scheduled time, using their best judgement to ensure safe travel. If Bellarmine campus is closed, but the field placement/student teaching site is open, students should still plan on going to their assigned field site if able to do so safely. If weather conditions prevent safe travel to student teaching/field placement sites, students should contact the field placement coordinator, their university supervisor, and their cooperating teacher to explain the situation as soon as possible.
If early dismissal is announced for the Bellarmine campus and classes are cancelled for the rest of the day, student teachers and field placement students are to remain at their placement until the end of the regularly scheduled day unless released early by their cooperating teacher.
Undergraduate students: If face-to-face classes are cancelled, students should not go to classrooms, clinicals or labs during that time.
Graduate Students: During inclement weather, each student should evaluate the weather conditions and use best judgment when traveling to clinical. Students who determine that they cannot safely drive or walk to the clinical assignment due to inclement weather are to notify their assigned instructor and clinical coordinator.
Students in clinical sites remote to Louisville should always exercise best judgement when reporting to assignments based on the local weather or travel conditions. If local events prevent clinical attendance, contact your professor (at Bellarmine) and the clinical site supervisor to explain the situation as soon as possible.
Policy: Students enrolled in health professions education programs assume additional responsibilities for the health and safety of their patients/clients as part of their educational process. Therefore, students are expected to be present if the clinical facility remains open for business during inclement weather.
Procedure: When an inclement weather closing is issued for the campus, students assigned to clinical experiences should report to their assignment, if open, at their regularly scheduled time, using best judgment to ensure safe travel. If Bellarmine is closed, but the clinical assignment site is open, the student should still plan on going to the clinical site, if able to do so safely. If weather conditions prevent safe travel to a clinical experience, the student should contact their Bellarmine professor and clinical supervisor to explain the prior to the assigned start time.
During inclement weather, each CRNA student should evaluate the weather conditions and use best judgment when traveling to clinicals. Students who determine that they cannot safely drive or walk to the clinical assignment due to inclement weather are to notify the assigned CRNA instructor or Clinical Coordinator. The student is to contact Assistant Program Administrator/Clinical Education Coordinator according to the absence (PTO) policy. Personal safety is the number one priority. Students who miss more than three days of clinical experiences due to inclement weather may be required to make up the days, in which case the student would attend make-up clinical in lieu of being charged PTO.