Parking Citation Appeals

Please note it is important to file your appeal within 10 days. Remember, when you registered your vehicle you agreed to abide by all the policy and procedures regarding parking on campus. The appeal process is not a process to file parking complaints. Students’ general parking complaints may be directed to SGA.

General Guidelines for Appeals

Failure to follow the procedures for appeal will result in the assessment of appropriate fines and a forfeit of the right to appeal. This includes, but is not limited to falsifying information on the Appeals Form.

  1. The following may be grounds for which an appeal is considered:
    • Substantial and valid evidence that the alleged parking violation was not committed
    • Appellant can verify that he or she was misinformed by parking services personnel
    • Verifiable officer error
  2. The following reasons not considered valid for an appeal include but are not limited to the following*:
    • Lack of knowledge of regulations such as new to the college or have not reviewed the regulations
    • Tardiness due to class or appointment
    • Disagreement with or inability to pay the amount of fine
    • Violation was of short duration
    • The lot in which the violation occurred was not full
    • Incomplete documentation that college personnel misinformed driver
    • Lack of convenient parking spaces
    • Not seeing or reading the posted lot signs or line markings
    • Lost the citation
    • Other vehicles were parked improperly
    • Inability to find a legally marked parking space.
    • Someone else parked your car in the wrong lot or space

Appeals are heard twice a month with the SGA Traffic and Safety Committee. Individuals may choose to attend the meeting; however, it is not necessary for the completion of the appeals process. Individuals filing an appeal will be notified of the Traffic and Safety Committee’s meeting date by e-mail after filing the Appeals Form.

Individuals filing an appeal will receive the committee’s decision by e-mail following the committee meeting.

*Remember - The issue in your appeal is not whether the parking regulations are fair, but whether you violated those regulations.

How to Appeal a Citation

If you would like to appeal your citation, please do so on the Appeal Form.

  1. Please have your citation number and license plate information.
    • When entering the license plate number, only enter in the numbers and letters, not the license plate state.
    • Once you have entered the required information, click continue.
    • On this page, you will have the option to pay or appeal your citation. If you wish to appeal your citation, do not provide the payment information. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to appeal your citation.
    • Once you have provided the necessary information for your appeal, click submit.
  2. Depending on the nature of the citation, the first citation a student/employee receives (per academic year) may be reduced to a warning and fee waived by taking a test regarding the understanding of Bellarmine parking regulations. Exclusions to this rule are parking in an accessible space, fire lane, reserved space, or visitor space. You must email with your name, ID number, and citation number if you are interested in waiving your citation fee by completing a short quiz on parking violations. You will then be notified if you are eligible for the quiz and sent further instructions. This process can be completed only once per academic year (August-May).

Traffic Appeal Dates

The Traffic Appeals Committee will be held in the Women’s Council Room from 11 a.m. - noon on the following dates:

  • September 26, 2024 
  • October 10, 2024 
  • October 24, 2024 
  • November 7, 2024 
  • November 21, 2024 
  • December 5, 2024 
  • January 9, 2025 
  • January 23, 2025 
  • February 6, 2025 
  • February 20, 2025 
  • March 13, 2025 
  • March 27, 2025 
  • April 10, 2025 
  • April 24, 2025