Voter Registration

Voter Information

In compliance with the 1998 Higher Education Act, Bellarmine University will make available voter registration forms to all degree- or certificate-seeking students who attend classes on campus. The forms, which are supplied by the state, will be available before the registration cut-off date for every federal and gubernatorial election, as well as special elections for federal office. Hard copies of voter registration forms are available in the Student Activities Center and Residence Life Office. Students can also fill out an on-line voter registration form here:

Voter Registration forms can be found in the Office of Service and Leadership located in the Student Activities Center or in the Residence Life Office located in Petrik Hall.

The Kentucky State Office of Election’s website answers many questions about voting. For more information, go to Students who are registered to vote in their home state may request an absentee ballot by contacting the county clerk in their hometown. Students from out of state can find their local county clerk's office by visiting the website For a listing of Kentucky's county clerks go to: