Bush Honeysuckle
(Lonicera tatarica L.)
Interesting Information About Plant:
The seeds from the fruit are mainly spread around by birds. The seeds cannot be digested causing them to leave the bird through their droppings. This is why a lot of bush honeysuckles are right under trees. Honeysuckles have a tendency to suppress the growth of the native plants around it. They use up a lot of the nutrients and water in the soil and take the sunlight causing other native plants the inability to grow in that area. Honeysuckle bushes can grow anywhere. In mid spring the flowers smell of honey, hence the name honeysuckle. The berries form in August and are not eaten by the birds unless there is nothing else to eat. Bush honeysuckle is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub that grows up to 10 feet tall. This plant was introduced to America in the 1700’s and is planted widely as an ornamental and for wildlife food and cover
Common Name: Tatarian Honeysuckle or Bush Honeysuckle
Scientific Name: Lonicera tatarica L.
Family Name (Scientific and Common): Caprifoliaceae ; Honeysuckle family
Continent of Origin: East and Central Asia
Most Distinguishing Morphological Features of This Plant:
Plant Growth Habit: Shrub
Height at Maturity: Between 3 – 10 Feet
Life Span: Perennial
Seasonal Habit: Deciduous Perennial
Growth Habitat: Full Sun is the best, but it can survive in partial sun
Manner of Culture: Landscape Shrub
Thorns on Younger Stem? No
Cross Section of Younger Stem: Roundish
Stem (or Trunk) Diameter: Between The Diameter of a Broom-Handle and a Coffee-Mug
Produces Brownish Bark? Yes
Bark Peeling in Many Areas? No
Characteristics of Mature (Brownish) Bark: Lines Go Up-Down
Type of Leaf: Flat, Thin Leaf
Length of Leaf (or Leaflet): Less than Length of a Credit Card
Leaf Complexity: Simple
Shape of Leaf: Simple
Edge of Leaf? Smooth
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Leaf has Petiole? Yes
Patterns of Main-Veins: Pinnate
Leaf Hairiness: Somewhat Hairy
Color of Foliage in Summer: Green
Change in Color of Foliage in October: No Change
Flowering Season: Spring
Flowers: in Loose Group
Type of Flower: Colorful Flower
Color of Flower: White or Yellow or Pink
Shape of Individual Flower: Radially Symmetrical / Bilaterally Symmetrical / Other
Size of Individual Flower: Between a Quarter and the Length of a Credit Card
Sexuality: Hermaphroditic Flower
Size of Fruit: Smaller than a Quarter
Fruit Fleshiness at Maturity? Fleshy
Shape of Fruit: Spherical
Color of Fruit at Maturity: Red
Fruit Desirable to Birds or Squirrels? Yes
Unique Morphological Features of Plant: arching branches and hollow twigs
Is the Plant Poisonous: None of Plant
Pesty Plant (weedy, hard to control)? Yes
Common Name(s):
Louisville Plants That Are Most Easily Confused With This One:
The different types of honeysuckles are hard to distinguish between; the berries remind me of holly berries.
Page prepared by:
Ashley Beck
November 2005