Interesting Information About Plant:
Hostas are grown for their beauty. They are extremely popular in gardens all over the United States. There are about 2500 different hostas in the world today. They are part of the Lily Family and have similar flowers to that of lilies. Some hostas can be a few inches wide to a few feet wide. Usually a hosta reaches maturity at five to eight years of age.
Hostas started out in China, Korea and Japan and were brought to the United states in the 1800’s. The leaves of the Plantain Lily, which is the common name for hostas, can be many colors. The blue ones only appear blue because of the waxy coating on the leaves. This wax eventually melts away.
Hostas grow best in a soil with the PH of 6.5 to 7.5.This is a little alkaline and a little acidic. A fertilizer of 10-10-10 is recommended for the best growth. Dividing hostas is a good way to multiply the plants you have. Some pests of this plant are snails and slugs, although some hosta plants have evolved to resist them. Hostas are extremely pretty and would make a fine addition to any ones yard or garden.
Scientific Name: Hostaceae
Family Name (Scientific and Common): Liliaceae, Lily family
Continent of Origin: Asia
Plant Growth Habit: Upright Herbaceous
Height at Maturity: Between 1- 3 Feet
Life Span: Perennial
Seasonal Habit: Evergreen Perennial
Growth Habitat: Shade
Manner of Culture: Garden (flower)
Thorns on Younger Stem: No
Cross Section of Younger Stem: Roundish
Stem (or Trunk) Diameter: Less Than The Diameter of a Pencil
Produces Brownish Bark: No
Bark Peeling in Many Areas: No
Characteristics of Mature (Brownish) Bark: No Mature Bark (all green)
Type of Leaf: Thick, Fleshy Leaf
Length of Leaf (or Leaflet): Longer Than a Writing Pen
Leaf Complexity: Simple
Edge of Leaf: Smooth
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Leaf has Petiole: Yes
Patterns of Main-Veins on Leaf (or Leaflet): Parallel
Leaf Hairiness: No Hairs
Color of Foliage in Summer: Green
Change in Color of Foliage in October: Changes to Yellow
Flowering Season: Summer
Flowers: in Loose Group
Type of Flower: Colorful Flower
Color of Flower: White, Blue, and Purple-Violet
Shape of Individual Flower: Radially Symmetrical
Size of Individual Flower: Between a Quarter and the Length of a Credit Card
Sexuality: Male and Female on Same Plant
Size of Fruit: Smaller than a Quarter
Fruit Fleshiness: Fleshy
Shape of Fruit: Spherical
Color of Fruit at Maturity: Red
Fruit Desirable to Birds or Squirrels: Yes
Common Name(s): Plantain Lily
Louisville Plants That Are Most Easily Confused With This One: Bronze Bells
Unique Morphological Features of Plant: None
Poisonous: None of Plant
Pestiness (weedy, hard to control): No
Page prepared by:
Amanda Dalton
November 2004 |