Red Japanese Maple






Bloodgood Japanese Maple

(Acer palmatum)

Interesting Information About Plant: 

            The Bloodgood Japanese Red Maple was introduced into the United States before World War II.  It is a cultivar named after the Bloodgood Nursery in Long Island, New York, where it was developed.  The Bloodgood is commonly planted in gardens as an ornamental tree and is admired for its graceful and peaceful appearance.  The Bloodgood has beautiful burgundy foliage its entire growing season and has small, but attractive red fruits.  It can grow 15 to 20 feet high and has a spreading habit.  The Bloodgood is a strong growing plant and may grow 2 to 3 feet per year.  It is an easy plant to grow, especially because it does not require large amounts of nutrients, and overall has very few problems.  It is a noncompetitive plant and can still grow very well if surrounded by many other plants.  The Bloodgood requires direct sunlight for as least part of the day, but also needs partial shade.  In extremely hot and dry weather, it can be sun burned and become tattered.  The Bloodgood has a strong fibrous root system, multiple stems, and slender shoots that end in small paired buds.               

Common Name: Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Scientific Name: Acer palmatum  

Family Name (Scientific and Common): Aceraceae,  Maple Family 

Continent of Origin: China, Japan, Korea

Most Distinguishing Morphological Features of This Plant:         Bright red leaves during fall foliage

Plant Growth Habit: Small Tree

Height at Maturity: More than 10 Feet

Life Span: Perennial

Seasonal Habit: Deciduous Perennial

Growth Habitat: Full Sun  /  Partial Sun  

Manner of Culture: Landscape Shrub-Vine-Tree

Thorns on Younger Stem? No

Cross Section of Younger Stem: Roundish

Stem (or Trunk) Diameter: Between The Diameter of a Broom-Handle and a Coffee-Mug 

Produces Brownish Bark? Yes  

Bark Peeling in Many Areas? No

Characteristics of Mature (Brownish) Bark: Smooth Bark with Longitudinal Stripes

Type of Leaf: Flat, Thin Leaf

Length of Leaf (or Leaflet): Between the Length of a Credit Card and a Writing-Pen

Leaf Complexity: Simple

Shape of Leaf: Palmated-Lobed

Edge of Leaf: Serrated

Leaf Arrangement: Opposite

Leaf has Petiole? Yes

Patterns of Main-Veins: Palmate

Leaf Hairiness: No Hairs

Color of Foliage in Summer: Reddish-Brownish

Change in Color of Foliage in October: Changes to Reddish-Orange

Flowering Season: Spring

Flowers: in Loose Group

Type of Flower: Colorful Flower

Color of Flower: Red /  Purple-Violet

Shape of Individual Flower: Radially Symmetrical

Size of Individual Flower: Smaller than a Quarter

Sexuality: Male and Female on Same Plant

Size of Fruit: Smaller than a Quarter

Fruit Fleshiness at Maturity: Dry

Shape of Fruit: Winged

Color of Fruit at Maturity: Red

Fruit Desirable to Birds or Squirrels? No   

Unique Morphological Features of Plant: Multiple Stems   

Is the Plant Poisonous: None

Pesty Plant (weedy, hard to control)? No

Common Name(s): Bloodgood Red Maple  

Louisville Plants That Are Most Easily Confused With This One: Other maples, but because its leaves are so unique and it has such a bright color in the fall.   


Page prepared by:     

Elizabeth Roy

December, 2006

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