Spinal Cord/Brainstem Interactive Atlas - UofL Physical Therapy
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Plate XXII. Midbrain at level of the caudal superior colliculus

A. Ventral trigeminothalamic tract
B. Dorsal trigeminothalamic tract
C. Edinger-Westphal nucleus
D. Oculomotor nucleus
E. Optic tract
F. Lateral geniculate body
G. Brachium of superior colliculus
H. Nucleus of superior colliculus
 I. Commissure of superior colliculus
J. Medial lemniscus
K. Spinal lemniscus (spinothalamic and spinotectal tracts)
L. Brachium of inferior colliculus
M. Medial geniculate body
N. Pluvinar
O. Nucleus of Darkschewitsch
P. Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
Q. Medial longitudinal fasciculus
R. Dorsal tegmental decussation
S. Central tegmental tract
T. Red nucleus
U. Rubrospinal tract
V. Dentatorubrothalamic tracts
W. Habenulopeduncular tract
X. Interpeduncular nuclei
Y. Corticopontine tract (minus frontopontines)
Z. Corticospinal tract
a. Frontopontine tract
b. Aberrant corticobulbar tract
c. Pallidonigral and pallidotegmental tracts
d. Nigrostriate tract
e. Substantia nigra
f. Cerebral aqueduct

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