THe ALuMNi CorNer alumnicalendar AlumniupportS BuSineSSeS Announcing a great new way to support businesses owned by Bellarmine alumni: Whether you are buying a home, investing in your future or looking for a nice place to enjoy dinner, the businesses featured in our new alumni listings are owned and operated by experienced, knowledgeable Bellarmine graduates. oCT. 15 noV This free service is exclusively. 4 available to the more than bellarMineuniversity Mass ofreMeMbrance 20,000 members of our Golfclassic Honor a loved one at the annual growing Alumni Association. Join us for the best golf scramble in Mass of Remembrance in the beauti- To check the list or add your the city! The 3rd Annual Bellarmine ful Our Lady of the Woods Chapel. University Golf Classic will be held at Mass will be held at 4:30 p.m. and own business, product or Big Spring Country Club. $250 per followed by a special prayer service service, visit www.bellarmine. person; all proceeds benefit schol- at the grotto. edu/alumni and click arships at Bellarmine. Corporate “Alumni Business Listing.” sponsorships available. noV. 27 bellarMinechristMas nursinG aluMni AlumniGhtinGilreet. 27 oCT reception Santa and holiday crafts for kids. A BeneFitSJoin us for carols, pictures with Nursing alumni are invited to a spe- perfect event for the entire family! cial celebration honoring 35 years Did you know that as a of nursing education at Bellarmine. Reconnect with former classmates graduate of Bellarmine. 7CDe and faculty members on campus. aluMniholiday university, you receive alumni shoppinG trip benefits? Well, you do! Alumni oCT. 27 One of most popular events of the receive a 15 percent discount aluMniassociation year! Take a day off from work and on continuing education classes get your Christmas shopping done at Bellarmine, discounts on aWardsdinner as you travel in luxury with your rental of campus facilities for Distinguished graduates chosen by friends and/or family to regional the Alumni Board of Directors will outlet malls. meetings or events, access be recognized at the Awards Dinner, to the W.L. Lyons Brown which is open to all alumni. Library, the services of the Career Development office, and much more! forMore inforMation, contactexecutivedirector For information, visit www. peter KreMer ’02 at 502.272.8334 or and torsvp, and click on “Benefits & Services.” clicK on “upcoMinG events.” 50 bellarmine magazine
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