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Bellarmine Magazine_Fall2012

THe reADerS WriTe A photo op with JFK Thank you for your work in the Bellarmine Magazine. in 1988, i was in Boston on a business trip and visited your inclusion of the “older” pictures has been enjoyed and the Kennedy Presidential Library. i always wondered what appreciated. The attached picture and a story were includ- i had written that would cause a president of the united ed in the october 1956 issue of The Concord. Here’s the States to sign a print with a personal message. i introduced story behind the event: Before Sen. John F. Kennedy spoke myself to the staff and asked if it was possible to view the to the student body, we were told he had a busy schedule letter i mailed in 1963. They were unable to provide im- and should not be disturbed as he was leaving the building. mediate assistance but offered to help if i could provide However, i was so impressed by his message and presence them with a possible year the letter was written and my that i slipped out a back door to thank him for his visit and postal address for that year. wish him good luck in his career. We only spoke a mo- Several weeks after returning to Louisville, i received ment, but it was a wonderful experience. A friend of mine, a large envelope from the Presidential Library. Not only Don Miller, was the school photographer. He was follow- did they send a copy of my handwritten note, consisting ing the senator’s campus visit and happened to be nearby. of eight short sentences, but also a copy of the picture and i’ll always be grateful he took the picture. a copy of the White House letter which accompanied the After JFK was elected president, i visited Bellarmine to signed picture. interestingly, on the back of the White locate the negative and had several 8x10s made. on May 2, House letter is a notation written by evelyn Lincoln, per- 1963, i wrote the president to tell him how the meeting sonal secretary to the president: “8x10 glossy photogs (2) occurred, how it would always be an exciting memory, and of the Pres and writer shaking hands inscribed: ‘To Bob to ask him to sign the picture. (An extra print was included with best wishes John F Kennedy.’ (PS: your thoughtful- for his files.) Although one of his biographies said he did ness in enclosing an extra print for the President is appre- not enjoy signing pictures and seldom included a personal ciated very much.)” message, he signed the photo with a personal message. Six Take care and keep up the good work. months later he was assassinated. bob mITChell ’59 louIsVIlle Mr. Mitchell is a social worker, convention speaker and DJ for Radio Bluegrass International. He also occasionally serves as a fill-in host on Sunday Bluegrass on Louisville’s WFPK-FM. Catch up with him at http://bobmitchell. – Ed. fall 2012 7

Bellarmine Magazine_Fall2012
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