neWs on the hill Newest alumni include septuagenarian working on his bucket list Mr. Carl Jankowski started at Bellarmine in 1966 but moved away from Louisville before completing his bachelor’s degree in business administration. Last summer, at the urging of his wife, he contacted Bellarmine in hopes of completing an item on his “bucket list” — earning his college degree. He completed nine credit hours last fall to earn his diploma. “My advice to those who are close to being able to graduate, but just haven’t re-enrolled — do it!” he said. “You’ll never regret it. Don’t let the time span discourage you. Be aware that the faculty are there to help... and they do. They go out of their way to help.” Noting that “even pursuing your Bellarmine degree can involve lifelong learning,” Bellarmine President Joseph J. McGowan recognized Mr. Jankowski during winter com- mencement, which added 307 new alumni to Bellarmine’s ranks. Mr. Jankowski’s experience is timely, given Louisville’s 55,000 Degrees initiative, which is working to increase the number of Louisvillians holding college degrees, partly by tar- geting adults who have previously earned some college credit. Another notable graduate following an unusual academic path was Kathleen Gallagher. Ms. Gallagher began her work on a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and molecular biology seven years ago. She joined the National Guard at the end of her sophomore year, and later served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. She completed her degree in eight semesters, between deployments, and hopes to attend medical school. Sarah Dudley is another standout alum. Ms. Dudley suf- fered a spinal cord injury during her freshman year. Medical setbacks during “Get involved... college had her in the Armstrong received an honorary doctor of law degreehospital at one point Be a part of for 10 weeks, and left during the ceremony, while Bradford T. Ray — recently retired your community. her so weak that Dr. chairman and chief executive officer of Steel Technologies volunteer your Dudley sometimes and a Bellarmine alumnus — received an honorary doctor ofhumane letters degree.McGowan said Ms. time.” relied on classmates Dr. McGowan also thanked Dr. Robert Cooter, dean of the to take class notes, as Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education, for suggesting she couldn’t hold a pen. that participants wear green to honor the victims of the tragedy Thanks to physical therapy and support from her professors at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. Green and classmates, Dudley walked across the stage to collect her was the favorite color of murdered Sandy Hook teacher Victoria bachelor’s degree in biology. Soto, who heroically saved several of her first grade students. Among the 307 graduates, nine students received doctoral Dr. McGowan noted that the color green is also a Catholic degrees in nursing practice, the first group to complete this symbol of hope. new degree at Bellarmine. During commencement, Dr. John Oppelt received the The ceremony featured a commencement address by David Horrigan Medal. Dr. Oppelt served as a professor, dean, vice L. Armstrong, chair of the Kentucky Public Service Commission president, provost and acting president over a 23-year career and former Louisville mayor, who encouraged the graduates with Bellarmine before his 2003 retirement. to consider working in public service or pursuing other civic activity. “Get involved,” he said. “Be a part of your community. Volunteer your time.” See video remarks of Mr. Carl Jankowski at 12 BELLArMinE MAgAZinE
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