neWs on the hill Summer 2013 Faculty Fellowships PresidenT JosePh J. MCGoWAn reCenTly AnnounCed The Winners of The suMMer 2013 MCGoWAn Prize And The fACulTy felloWshiPs. The Summer 2013 Faculty Jennifer Barker (english) david Paige (education) Development Fellowship - Racial Representation in Thinking Schools Academy: recipients are: 1920s and 1930s Hollywood An Evaluation of a School Animation Improvement Initiative Tiffany Carbonneau (fine Dr. Barker’s project to Increase Literacy and Arts) - Between Here focuses on how filmmakers Mathematics Achievement and There: connecting represented the seemingly in the Auxilium Nava Jyoti communities through unbridgeable racial divides in School international trade early 20th century American Using standardized Building on her current culture. Much of her research instruments, Dr. Paige research based on industrial will be conducted in Los will benchmark student waterways and the Angeles at the University literacy and mathematics communities that surround of California Los Angeles achievement in the Thinking them, Ms. Carbonneau will libraries and archives and Schools Academy in Kerala, This year’s McGowan Prize create photographic and the ASIFA Hollywood India, where he works with recipient is Dr. Matisa video documentation of Animation Archive. teachers to improve teaching Wilbon, a faculty member the Panama Canal and the and learning outcomes. in the sociology program Port of New Orleans. Her Mary Pike (nursing) - The and the director of the work from this project will Bellarmine Outreach Karen Golemboski Brown Scholars Leadership be exhibited during 2013 at Dr. Pike will study (Medical laboratory Program. Her proposed Prospect Park (Brooklyn, Bellarmine’s history of science) - A comparison research topic addresses NY) and the Carnegie Center educating nurses in the rural of hemoglobin A1c and the construction of racial/ for Art and History. areas of Eastern Kentucky glycated albumin for cultural difference, with a from 1984 through 2006. assessment of glycemic specific historical moment serving as the focus for her Christy Wolfe She will use survey and control in type 2 diabetes research: Malcolm X’s pivotal (Psychology) - Baseline- interview methods to explore Dr. Golemboski’s 1964 speech at Oxford Union. to-Task EEG Power the impact of the outreach research will examine the Her work will directly inform Differences as a program on its graduates and comparative value of two both her scholarship agenda Function of Shyness and on Bellarmine University. measures of glycemic control and her work in her Sociology Executive Function Task in type 2 diabetes. Her 101 and Social Inequality Performance work focuses on finding a courses at Bellarmine. Dr. Wolfe will be writing better way to monitor blood about her data analysis of sugars by giving the diabetic the associations between individual and the primary executive functioning care provider more accurate and psychophysiological information. functioning for shy and non- shy children. BY tHE NUMBERS 25 increase in full-Time facultyince 2005s% spring 2013 17
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