Contents Spring 2013 DEPARTMENTS 28 5 From the President A vision for technology at Bellarmine 6 the readers Write Letters to the editor 8 What’s on... The mind of Fr. John 9 namedroPPing The Lansing School of Nursing & Health Sciences 10 neWs on the hill 18 Question & ansWer With Kaelin Rybak ’74, travel agent and Hall of Famer FEATURES 44 20 the alumni Corner Picture this 48 The winners of our 5th annual Magazine Photo Contest Class notes 50 28 CreWs’ VieWs deepening Faith Campus ministry is vibrant and growing 34 ‘love Conquers death’ (COVER) This photo taken in Cairo by Cole McKinney ’84, Columbia, S.C., won Roger Rosenblatt to deliver Guarnaschelli Lecture first place in the Faces category of the Bellarmine Magazine Photo Contest. 38 (LEFT) Adrian Fernandez captured an Cultivating leaderseerie image of Our Lady of the Woods Chapel in the wake of Hurricane Sandy in Bellarmine opens region’s first School of Environmental Studies this “Staff Pick” from the photo contest. (THiS PAgE) Melanie-Préjean Sullivan, 42 director of campus ministry, meets distinguished service with students. More, page 28. Photo by Amber Sigman. Trauma nurse honored for life-saving work spring 2013 3
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