CulTivATinG environMenTAl leAders school will be working with other academic departments at Bel- “As individuals and larmine to promote the interdisciplinary study of environmental communities are becoming issues and to increase the variety of academic tracks available, so students can follow the course of study that best fits their own more aware of the importance talents and interests. The school plans to add graduate programs, of sustainable practicesadditional undergraduate majors, new faculty members and new and the differences they facilities, and is expected to double its number of students over the next three years. (There are currently 23). can make, having programs In addition to operating the Bellarmine Farm (established on such as Bellarmine’s new campus in 2009 as a facility for teaching sustainable horticulture school of environmental and providing opportunities for undergraduate research), students and faculty of the new School of Environmental Studies will work studies is a magnificent to promote sustainability initiatives on Bellarmine’s campus and addition for louisville.” will partner with key individuals, businesses and organizations in Louisville and the surrounding region to provide leadership on environmental issues. “As individuals and communities are becoming more aware of (ABOVE) in Beth Bell’s Environmental Science Lab, students the importance of sustainable practices and the differences they identified variables that affect electricity generated from wind can make, having programs such as Bellarmine’s new School of En- turbines. Photo by Amber Sigman vironmental Studies is a magnificent addition for Louisville,” says (ABOVE RigHT) Ali greenwell ’12, the first Bellarmine student Maria Koetter, director of Louisville Metro Government’s Office to graduate with a minor in environmental studies, traveled of Sustainability. “Keeping abreast of the newest science, stan- to natural Bridge with the Outdoors Club. She now works for dards and practices will help make Louisville an even greener city.” 21st Century Parks. Photo courtesy of the club 40 BELLArMinE MAgAZinE
Bellarmine Magazine_Spring2013
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