namedroPPing By Carla Carlton Donna and Allan Lansing School of Nursing and Health Sciences of All The AreAs of sTudy in the including a gift to the Norton Hospital Lansing School of Nursing and Health Foundation to support Bellarmine Univer- Sciences – nursing, physical therapy, sity students in nursing and the health respiratory therapy, medical laboratory sciences through a program known as the science and exercise science – nursing Lansing Scholars. Upon graduation, Lan- is by far the biggest draw. In fact, nearly sing Scholars begin their careers at Norton a quarter of all the bachelor’s degrees Healthcare and are eligible to have their conferred at Bellarmine are in nursing. loans forgiven. (“We have a son who is an That’s gratifying to the school’s name- anesthesiologist at Baptist East,” Mrs. sake, pioneering cardiac surgeon Allan Lansing said, “and a girl came up to him Lansing, who once referred to nurses as once and when she saw his nametag she “the glue that holds everything together.” said, ‘I’m a Lansing Scholar!’ ”) The school has been named for Dr. Lan- Dr. Lansing received an honorary doc- sing and his wife, Donna, since 1982 in torate from Bellarmine in 1985 and was appreciation for their financial support. dubbed Knight of Knights in 2004. He “It’s gone ahead by leaps and bounds,” served on the Bellarmine Board of Trust- Dr. Lansing said in an interview at his ees from 1983-2004, including a term as home. “The school has become known chairman in 1987-88. In 1998, Dr. and Mrs. as the best for 500 miles around. When Lansing donated Glenview, a 130-year-old other hospitals try to pick up new nurses, house and 3.2 acres in Glenview, to be ren- they usually apply at Bellarmine first.” ovated and used as the President’s Home. The Lansings moved to Louisville in ship with Maurice “Maury” D.S. Johnson, Glenview was the Bellarmine Women’s 1963 from their home in London, Ontario, president of Citizens Fidelity Bank (now Council’s Designers’ Show House in 2000, Canada, where Dr. Lansing had been on PNC) and a member of the Bellarmine raising money for student financial aid. the faculty at the University of Western Board of Trustees. Dr. Lansing and Mr. The Lansings are modest when asked Ontario, so that he could practice trans- Johnson played doubles tennis every what it means to know there is a Lansing myocardial revascularization (TMR) Sunday. One day in the early 1980s, Mr. School at Bellarmine, focusing instead on heart surgery. TMR is a revolutionary Johnson brought Dr. Eugene Petrik, then the students and the faculty, including procedure using a laser to drill holes in Bellarmine’s president, to meet with Dr. longtime Dean Sue Davis, who plans to the heart to increase the blood supply for Lansing about a new nursing school the step down at the end of this semester. patients whose angina can be corrected university wanted to open. “It was an honor, but basically we’ve in no other way. He and a team from Nor- “While I was a surgeon, I relied on been so proud of the nursing program that ton Audubon Hospital also taught the nurses for a lot of the post-operative care, we don’t think about the name of the procedure at hospitals in Central America and I had come to respect the nursing school at all,” Dr. Lansing said. “I’m so and Eastern Europe. Norton, where Dr. profession,” Dr. Lansing said. “And so proud of how it’s developed and how high- Lansing worked until retiring in 2001, is when they were going to start a nursing ly it’s recommended in the community, now the leading center for the procedure school, they tapped me and asked would I and what the dean has accomplished.” in the world. help support it. And that’s how it started.” “She’s done a wonderful job,” Mrs. Lan- The Lansings became involved with Dr. and Mrs. Lansing have also estab- sing said. Bellarmine through Dr. Lansing’s friend- lished many substantial scholarship funds, spring 2013 9
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