fa ll 2012 | contents 5 FRom The PResIDenT The real value of a college degree 6 The ReADeRs WRITe Letters to the editor / My Favorite Hangout 10 Poem: ‘DAVID lee bullens (July 3, 1973 – June 25, 2011) By Anna Peterson 11 CAll FoR enTRIes Check out the all-new categories in our 5th annual photo contest 12 WhAT’s on… The mind of student blogger Tyler Wobbrock 13 nAmeDRoPPInG Catie’s Café 14 neWs on The hIll 20 QuesTIon & AnsWeR Dean of Admission Tim Sturgeon 22 mbA AWAy Graduate students immerse themselves in international business study 26 home AWAy FRom home Governor’s Scholars build a Habitat for Humanity house 30 sKATInG WITh The sTARs PT program helps local ice skaters avoid injury 34 A lAsTInG leGACy Jim Spalding ’55 was a true sports hero 44 neW CAReeR In nuRsInG Sacred moment sets young man on a different path 46 AlumnI CoRneR 48 ClAss noTes 50 The AlumnI AssoCIATIon on the cover Thomas Merton, acrylic on canvas, by Chris Mozier ’09
Bellarmine Magazine_Fall2012
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