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Bellarmine Magazine_Fall2012

FroM THe eDiTor innovative graduate programs mosT oF us TenD To ThInK oF bellARmIne As A ThRIVInG CAmPus oF residential and commuter students, actively and boisterously blossoming from snot-nosed little ankle-biters into sophisticated and cultured young men and women of the world. Fair enough. But there is another rapidly growing population of the university that could oFFiCerS oF THe uNiVerSiTy fly under your radar if you’re not careful: the many graduate students who are Dr. Joseph J. McGowanPresident actively (albeit somewhat less boisterously) blossoming from sophisticated and Dr. Doris Tegart cultured young men and women of the world into advanced-degree holders. Provost in fact, graduate enrollment at Bellarmine has grown from 492 in 2000 to Dr. Carole Pfeffer 830 today, according to David Mahan, director of institutional research. Not Vice President for Academic Affairs only has overall enrollment grown but the number of programs offered has also Dr. Fred rhodes grown, including recent newcomers like the Ph.D. in education and Social Vice President for Student Affairs Change and the Master of Science in Taxation. (if you’re interested in earning Mr. Sean ryan an advanced degree, you’ll find the entire bill of fare at Vice President for Enrollment Management admissions/graduate/.) Mr. Glenn Kosse Because these graduate programs are grounded in the Bellarmine ethos, Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations they are holistic, truth-seeking and innovative, in addition to being extremely Mr. Hunt Helm Vice President for Communications & Public Affairs résumé-enhancing. And they often involve more hands-on experiences than classroom lectures usually afford. in this issue, we take a look at two ways Vice President for Administration & FinanceMr. Bob Zimlich graduate programs are offering something outside the norm. one of them is the MBA study-abroad program. American culture, and in particular American business, is often accused of being insular. We have BeLLArMiNe MAGAZiNe STAFF editor-in-Chief brought the world our fast food and our pop music (not to mention our weap- Jim Welp ’81, Assistant Vice President for Publications ons), but we often seem to look at the rest of the world as something to exploit, and electronic Communications rather than learn from. At the same time, we are constantly reminded that the Managing editor world is quickly shrinking. So i was intrigued by the MBA study-abroad Carla Carlton, Director of Development Communications curriculum. Now in its 15th year, the program offers its students an interna- Creative Director & Designer Brad Craig ’01, MAC ’11, Director of Creative Services tional business immersion that they raved about. That story begins on page 22. Another program that always seems to have something interesting going on Graphic Design Assistantnterni’Brien ’12,oSam is the physical therapy doctoral program. Previously spotlighted in the maga- zine for its service-learning clinic, its Parkinson’s dance program and its candle- Maria González, Administrative Assistantditorse light “service of gratitude” procession to thank anonymous donors who’ve given Jason Cissell ’97, Director of Media relations & Social Networking their bodies to anatomical research, the PT program is back with an innovative Contributors program to help young figure skaters. That story begins on page 30. Geoff oliver Bugbee, Tom Dekle, Chris Kenning, Amber Sigman We salute those programs, but we dedicate the bulk of this issue to a Bellarmine legend: alumnus, coach and administrator Jim Spalding. As always, leTTeRs/CommenTs: we hope you enjoy this issue and we hope you’ll write to us and let us know JWelP@bellARmIne.eDu502.272.7492 what’s on your mind. Bellarmine Magazine is published for and distributed to Please send your thoughts on this or any other issue to the alumni, parents and friends of Bellarmine university by the office of Communications and Public Affairs. Jim Welp ’81, editor-in-Chief Bellarmine university 2001 Newburg road Louisville, Ky 40205 As this issue went to press, we were saddened to learn of the death of one of Bellarmine’s greatest supporters and friends, Owsley Brown Frazier. Our Winter issue will include a tribute to Mr. Frazier. –Editor 4 bellarmine magazine

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