letter From the President Dr. Joseph J. McGowan | president@bellarmine.edu A vision for technology at Bellarmine When i Arrived AT BellArMine, iT who developed a campus-wide plan. Grad- proceed in this whole new way are every- was very clear that the university needed ually, though, that initial plan was replaced where. In President Obama’s State of the a new library. So that became my top pri- by a sustained series of technological inno- Union Address – there is the call. In Tom ority – plan, fund and build the new vations driven more by the needs, interests Friedman’s Jan. 29 New York Times op-ed library! But it wasn’t that easy. Why? and initiatives of individuals or depart- piece, “It’s P.Q. and C.Q. as much as I.Q.” – Because that very same year, the historic ments or schools, and less by a there is the call. In the challenge of ade- phenomenon called “The Internet” moved comprehensive institution-wide vision. quate Wi-Fi capacity in the residence halls into the nation’s consciousness. The inter- Technology has changed so dramati- and other campus opportunities, there net and the massive, high-speed prolifera- cally in its fundamental character, again is the call for new initiatives to help tion of information and knowledge that sophistication and hyper-connectivity, us use technology more successfully, effec- it launched raised some interesting ques- however, that the university now must tively and thoroughly than ever before. tions: What is a library? Do we really need aggressively and intelligently once again I am very pleased with the academic one? What is the future of books and seize the day in a transformational, his- content areas Bellarmine now has, and other print media? And so forth. believe we are well- positioned for the We started by planning Bellarmine’s future in the liberal arts and sciences, technology infrastructure and backbone, business, health sciences, education, “The university deciding not only that a library was communication, continuing and profes- needed, but also that it would be the cen- sional studies, environmental studies, terpiece of our new expanded technology now must and in development, technology. Our miles of wire across trays in the library aggressively committed to our great undergraduate,excellent faculty and staff continue to be system. Among other things, we put to floors as technology changed. We took and intelligently adorned with beautiful architecture andgraduate, and adult students on a campus ceilings to allow connections up or down the bold step of wiring the whole campus, once again seize landscape. Our next major step, therefore, starting with the then three (!) residence halls. We put computers everywhere on the day.” plan at Bellarmine that will help us teach,is a commitment to develop a technology campus, because so few people had per- learn and conduct research in the above sonal ones. Using current knowledge, we areas in unprecedented, innovative and proceeded in a thoughtful way. But who transformational ways – as imagined and could have anticipated Wi-Fi, smart invited in Vision 2020 as we become the phones, tablets, social media and the like, toric way. Basically, we must again do premier independent Catholic University to say nothing of what lies ahead?! what we did years ago at the dawn of tech- in the South, and thereby the leading pri- Not only was knowledge and informa- nology at Bellarmine: Gather a variety of vate university in the Commonwealth tion exploding, but very quickly and very perspectives and develop a major technol- and region. dramatically, technology itself was chang- ogy vision plan. In the months ahead, you will hear ing and proliferating. It continues to do so We must become much more deliber- much more from me and others on this today in landscape-altering ways, present- ate, innovative, imaginative, creative, and essential, important initiative. I will need ing enormous planning and budgeting even anticipatory as we consider not only your help, and that of the entire univer- challenges for all concerned – govern- the future of technology at Bellarmine for sity community, including friends and ment, businesses, universities and others. our faculty, students, and staff, but the donors, in developing a truly cutting- Just when you begin to catch up, great new related future design, shape, and form of edge, comprehensive and integrated plan, advances occur, and of course everyone teaching and learning here as well. We raising the required funding, and imple- wants the newest, latest thing. must prepare our students for a world menting it – with technology as both Twenty years ago when we decided to where technology knowledge, technology content and support for the first-rate jump into technology with both feet, we literacy, and technology competence are teaching excellence that characterizes a did so with the benefit of a representative absolutely essential. Bellarmine University education! group of internal planners and experts Signs that it is timely for Bellarmine to spring 2013 5
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