the readers Write Alleviating poverty I was saddened to hear that Father Ralph Beiting died in August 2012. His passing brought to mind the special connection Bellarmine had to Father Beiting and his work to help the poor in Eastern Kentucky. Bellarmine students first traveled to Appalachia in 1963 to help him with his efforts to alleviate the effects of poverty. We didn’t know what we would be doing when we arrived at his mission church in McKee, but we were eager to do what we could. With a slide projector and much enthusiasm, Father Beiting laid out his plans for a bold approach for addressing the needs of the people. He outlined a vision for a non-denominational organization that would purchase land for farming; erect greenhouses; build a woodworking shop; construct a camp for children; plant thou- sands of Christmas trees; set up clothes closets and food pantries; rehab houses; and more. This (R-L) Bellarmine students Ken McKune ’66, gary Schuetz organization was to be called the Christian Appalachian ’66 and John Day ’66 work in Eastern Kentucky. Project - CAP for short. Father Beiting challenged us to be a part of that plan: “You can choose to do nothing and become part of the prob- lem. Or you can choose to act and be part of the solution.” Having been inspired by Father Beiting’s vision, we chose to get to work and be part of the solution. Over many weekends, spring breaks and summer vacations, Bellarmine joined with students from Ursuline, Catherine Spalding, Nazareth, St. Catharine’s and numerous other schools to do the hard work of the volunteer. We ham- mered and hoed; planted and picked; chopped and burned; tore down and built up; scraped and painted. We did what- ever was needed. Bellarmine students spent hours, months, and even years in this endeavor. We fully accepted Father Beiting’s challenge to be part of the solution. It is with heartfelt pride that I note that Bellarmine students, staff, faculty and alumni continue giving weekends and spring vacations to the work that Father Beiting chal- lenged us to do 50 years ago. Way to go, Bellarmine! Tony Peake ’66 Louisville (right)Paul Halloran ’81 captured this image of a Bellarmine cap enjoying a refreshing beverage by the sea on the island of Dominica over Christmas break. 6 BELLArMinE MAgAZinE
Bellarmine Magazine_Spring2013
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