The Biology Club is a student-run organization that is open to all students at Bellarmine University who have an interest in biology. We sponsor lectures on a variety of biology topics including medical school and graduate school, participate in service activities
(environmental cleanups, food drives, tree giveaways), and just have fun! The club provides a great way for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors to interact with each other as well as with faculty in a non-classroom setting. In the past, we have
taken field trips to the Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Mammoth Cave, and the Newport Aquarium in northern Kentucky. We also have visited other research laboratories, canoed on the Blue River, organized bowling and movie nights, and raised hundreds
of dollars for food shelves at Christmas time.
Any student may enroll in independent research and have the opportunity to work with faculty in such diverse areas as: plant allergens, environmental science and ecology, behavior, neurophysiology, cancer, genetics, forensic science, biomechanics, zoo
microbes, and entomology.
Each spring, Bellarmine students present their research to the Bellarmine community during our annual Undergraduate Research Week. Students create professional posters explaining their research project and answer questions during this popular event.
Our Biology students have been co-authors of numerous research abstracts and oral presentations given at state, regional, and national conferences. Students need not wait until their senior year to begin working with a professor.
Students and faculty are also involved with cooperative research at the Louisville Zoological Gardens. The zoo offers our students numerous opportunities to study life science in unique, natural environments. In classes such as botany, students use our
on-campus Bellarmine Greenhouse to study major biological principles as they relate to the plant kingdom.