Do you use case studies and other decision-making tools? Do you want to create lessons, but find the Moodle lessons tool too cumbersome? Do you want to create learning paths for your students? Well, there is a tool right in Moodle that will help you accomplish all these tasks. The tool is called branching scenario and was created by H5P. H5P interactive content is a Moodle activity and is selected via the Add an activity or resource button.
H5P has a tutorial and examples on their site. The H5P tutorial link for branching is available here. You can use it to teach any number of different subjects such as the health sciences, art, and even English or other languages. If you have case studies you use regularly put them into this tool in about 30 minutes and make them come alive for your students.
The tool is very adaptable and easy-to-use. If you need help just contact me Janice Poston or Adam Elias. We can give you a tour and answer any questions you might have. We will even take your case studies and put them into the tool for you.