For many families, a Bellarmine education is a cherished tradition handed down from generation to generation.
As Bellarmine University continues to focus on making a college education more affordable, the university offers “legacy” families a
$1,000 Legacy Scholarship that stacks on top of other Bellarmine scholarships. This scholarship honors the legacy you are creating for your family through Bellarmine and is our way
of ensuring that your connection with Bellarmine lasts through generations.
In addition to the $1,000 for every legacy student, the
Alumni Board of Directors offers a scholarship legacy students
can apply for prior to enrolling in their first semester. It is a brief application, consisting of a resume and two short essay responses which are reviewed by the committee and awarded each spring.
These scholarships are available to children and grandchildren of our alumni and are intended to celebrate the unique bond that legacy families share with Bellarmine University
“Parents and grandparents know their children and grandchildren will benefit from an inclusive environment committed to career success, ethical leadership and academic excellence. Simply put, they know their children will thrive at Bellarmine, just
as they did years before,” said Matt Real, Executive Director of Alumni Relations.
Real noted that one reason families keep coming back is their confidence that Knights Get Hired. 99% of Bellarmine graduates find employment or pursue an advanced degree within six months of graduating, an outcome that is 14% above the national average
for other colleges and universities. Research shows that Bellarmine grads earn more than grads from any other Kentucky institution, and most of them stay in the Louisville area for their careers.
Profile: Chris Smith ‘19/’22

For Chris Smith, Bellarmine is a family affair.
His mother, Anita Smith ’90, ’10, graduated from Bellarmine with two Nursing degrees; then his two brothers, Aaron Smith ’12 and Jonathan Smith ’14, attended. They even shared a room together on campus, like they did while
growing up. They met their wives at Bellarmine, too. Brittany LaMarche ’12 married Aaron and Catherine “Catie” Meyer ’14, ’17, married Jonathan.
And now, Chris Smith works at Bellarmine as a career advisor in the Career Development Center.
“We have been around Bellarmine for many, many years,” he said. “It really started with my mom. She understood Bellarmine was a place that created a strong foundation, because that's what she received as a student. And that's how she
raised us, essentially, to have that vision of a strong Catholic education setting you up for success.”
Profile: Leslie Cobb '93 (pictured at top of page)
Leslie Cobb’s father – who graduated from Bellarmine in 1961 – was proud and excited when she chose Bellarmine, too.
She ran on the cross-country team, receiving athletic and academic scholarships. Like her father, she remembers her time at Bellarmine fondly, even though campus had grown and changed significantly since his time there. The core values that he had benefited
from remained the same.
“You know everyone. The campus is a community and the teachers care about you,” she said. “We had a lot of fun and we worked hard. It was a neat place to experience.”
Bellarmine became a third-generation legacy affair for the family when her daughter, Taylor Jones, decided to attend as well. Jones graduated in the spring of 2022 with a nursing degree and is working as a nurse at Norton Healthcare, which has a partnership
with Bellarmine in which students receive scholarships and employment opportunities.
“I loved my time here. I’m so thankful,” Jones said. “They gave me a lot of scholarships and made it affordable. That was another reason I felt like this was the place for me.”
It might be a bit early to consider, but Cobb and Jones joked that if the opportunity arises for a fourth generation to attend college, they would definitely encourage that student to join the family Bellarmine tradition and take advantage of the Legacy