Teacher speaking with students

Kickstart Your New Teaching Career


MAT Program Information

If you hold a bachelor’s degree in any field and want to make a difference in the lives of schoolchildren, the Bellarmine Master of Arts in Teaching program is right for you. Our five-semester, flexible MAT makes it convenient for you to earn your degree while working full time. We offer a variety of focus areas to choose from.

The Master of Arts in Teaching programs offer a best practice, research-based curriculum with a foundation in the liberal arts. Candidates demonstrate proficient to distinguished performance through the following criteria: individual course assessments, field and clinical evaluations, disposition assessments, benchmark assessments, and standardized exams.

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Free Tuition Opportunity

Funded by the NSF’s Robert Noyce program, the Noyce Knights Scholars Program (NKSP) aims to prepare, support and certify 25 highly qualified diverse middle and high school (6-12) science and mathematics teachers over five years to remedy the 6-12 STEM teacher shortages in Kentucky. If you hold a STEM degree, you can qualify for free tuition. Learn more about the NKSP here.


Program Highlights

The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree is an accelerated, outcome-based, cohort program. Classes meet one evening a week and selected Saturdays per semester with the exception of the final professional (supervised teaching) semester.

MAT degrees are available in the following focus areas (click to see curricula and details):

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How will I fit in the required number of field observation hours while working full time?
A: The Commonwealth of Kentucky requires that each teacher candidate acquire at least 200 field observation hours, roughly 55 a semester, before they enter into their student teaching/professional semester. Students have been able to make this work by requesting time off from their employers, either a half-day a week, or entire days for a full week. Students report a better experience when they are able to go to their assigned field placement at least one time per week, but we are flexible in our expectations because we know that many of our students are working full-time to support a family. Our field coordinator will work with you to ensure you have the necessary number of field hours before your final semester.

Q: What are the requirements for obtaining an alternative certification/temporary credential?
A: Many students are interested in obtaining an alternative certification so they can be hired as a teacher before they complete the full five semesters of the program. Most often, these positions are only available in high needs areas (Science, Math, English) at the middle and secondary level in public schools. To qualify as an "alt-cert" candidate, you must:

  1. have completed at least one semester of the program.
  2. have completed all required content courses.
  3. have successfully completed your content Praxis exam, and all three sections of the CASE exam.
  4. have the recommendation of at least one faculty member at Bellarmine.
  5. meet with our certification officer to complete the necessary paperwork.

It is important to note that moving into an alt cert position without the benefit of the full five semesters of schooling is often very stressful, and is not recommended for all candidates.

Q: Will I get a teaching job when I graduate?
A: It is very likely that you will get a teaching job once you complete our program. 97% of our graduates are successfully employed the year after they graduate.

Q: What does a typical course schedule look like?
A: Our courses are presented in a module format. You will matriculate through five modules. For most of these modules, you will spend one night a week at Bellarmine for a face-to-face class from 6–8:45 p.m. In addition, you will attend five full-day Saturday sessions throughout the semester from 8 a.m.–4 p.m.. In your first module, you will also take an online course in conjunction with the evening class and the Saturday class.

Q: Can I work while student teaching?
A: Your final semester is a full-time student teaching experience where you co-teach an entire semester with a mentor teacher. Because this is a full-time job, we recommend that you do not attempt to juggle an additional job during this semester.

Program Outcomes

Make a move to teaching with our Master of Arts in Teaching. The candidate who completes this program:

  • Collaborates with education stakeholders, including parents, teachers, administrators, and the community, to improve student learning and achievement;
  • Reflects on diverse field and clinical experiences, making instructional decisions based on individual learner needs;
  • Demonstrates educator dispositions that value the dignity and unique development of individual learners, and the intellectual, moral, ethical, and professional competencies that characterize effective teaching and leading;
  • Analyzes data to make pedagogical and content based decisions that inform teaching, learning, leading, and achievement in the 21st Century; and
  • Employs Valli’s five reflective processes which include technical, personalistic, deliberative, in and on action, and critical reflection.

Early Entry Program

The School of Education offers competitively priced Early Entry programs for our Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) for elementary teaching or middle and/or secondary teaching. Bellarmine undergraduate students can begin taking graduate MAT courses their senior year and complete a Masters level teaching certification in a 5th year. Students will have the option to complete an Early Entry MAT and teaching certification either in Elementary Education or in their respective content area for middle and/or secondary education.

Graduates will be leaders in education, serving their communities by helping every child develop to their highest potential. Bellarmine graduates are highly sought after. Starting salary varies depending on the school district in which one finds employment, though is highly competitive at the Masters level. For example, the starting salary in 2023-2024 for a teacher in the Jefferson County School District with a master’s degree is $54,516. In the same district, the average teacher salary is $63,000 with top earners making almost $98,000 per year.

Admission Requirements

The MAT is for people who hold a bachelor’s degree in a field other than education and want to teach in grades P-12. Successful applicants to the MAT program will have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 out of 4.00 from coursework across all undergraduate and/or graduate coursework prior to the MAT, or a GPA of 3.00 out of 4.00 on the last thirty (30) hours of credit completed. For a complete explanation of admission requirements, please visit our admissions page.

Tuition and Fees

Please visit our Graduate Tuition Rates for the most up-to-date tuition and fees information.

Funding Assistance
School districts may apply tuition support for this program, please contact your school district’s personnel specialist. As a degree seeking student in the MAT program, students should be eligible for federally supported forms of student aid. Financial aid questions should be directed to the Financial Aid Office at Bellarmine University ( or 502.272.7300).


All advanced-level teacher education programs at Bellarmine University's Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education are recognized by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board, and are fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation.

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For more information, call 502.272.7100 or email your questions to