Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How would this program benefit me in the workplace?
A. The mission of the Bellarmine Ph.D. in Education and Social Change, consistent with Catholic teachings, is to prepare “change agents” who improve education for children and other citizens experiencing difficult circumstances. The principles of change management can be applied to any environment. Whether you are employed in the public/private P-12 school system, a non-profit or higher education institution, the Ph.D. in Education & Social Change will teach you how to lead and initiate change in your organization for children and adults in high poverty circumstances.
Q. When does the program start?
A. The cohort typically begins each fall in August.
Q. When do classes meet?
A. For the first three program years, classes will meet on Friday 5-10 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. six weekends a semester. The fourth program year will be the dissertation year. Higher Education Administration courses may meet one evening a week. All other concentration courses will be offered in the weekend format only.
Q. How much time would I need to spend outside of class to be prepared for class?
A. On average, we recommend three hours outside of class time to prepare for each hour of instruction. However, this will vary with the content of the course(s) you are taking each semester.
For more frequently asked questions, please visit our FAQ page.