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Selected presentations and papers
Environmentalist challenge: Consumer attitudes toward automobiles are status not pollution based. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. May, 2009
Symbolic interactionism concepts effectively taught using stimuli from a lifestyle advertising promotion. Poster presented at the Teaching Institute Poster Session at the Association for Psychological Science –Society for the Teaching of Psychology Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, May 2008.
A biological, cultural, and interactional model of physical attractiveness judgments. Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 9, October, 2006.
Historico-Cultural factors in beauty judgments: 16th Century courtesans judged against 21st Century media ideals. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, New York, NY, May, 2006.
Pictorial Priming Influences Attitudes Toward Global Warming: Polar Animals Top Flooded Towns.
Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Los Angeles,
CA. May, 2005
A biological, cultural, and interactional model of physical attractiveness judgments. Poster
presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, May, 2004.
Everyone is beautiful to someone: The size and significance of individual differences in physical
attractiveness judgments. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Annual
Convention, Chicago, IL, May, 2004.
Anomalies in the evolutionary psychology of human beings. Poster presented at the American
Psychological Society Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA, June, 2003.
Free riders undermine sustainable economies. Paper presented at the Kentucky State University
Institute for Liberal Studies 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Science & Culture,
Frankfort, KY. April 3-5, 2003.
Introductory psychology issues: Majors versus non-majors, depth versus breadth, one-semester versus
two –semesters. (with Ann Jirkovsky, Tom Wilson and Pam Cartor). Participant Idea Exchange
Roundtable. American Psychological Society Annual Teaching Institute, New Orleans, LA,
June, 2002.
Problems achieving accurate price capitalism: Attitudinal barriers impeding social cost inclusive
pricing. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Convention, Miami,
FL, June, 2000
Operant and classical conditioning concepts taught using Buss’s act-frequency approach to
personality. Poster presented at the American Psychological Society Annual Teaching Institute,
Miami, FL, June, 2000.
Human Beauty: Biological Adaptation or Socio-Cultural Variation? Invited paper presented at the
1996 Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Convention, Louisville, November 9, 1996.
(Michael Cunningham, Discussant)
Postmodern Capitalism. Paper presented at the Kentucky State University Institute for Liberal
Studies Seventh Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Science & Culture, Frankfort, KY.
April 18-20, 1996.
Beauty is as beauty does? Makeup and posture effects on physical attractiveness judgments.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Vol. 26 (1), January, 1996, 31-51.
Postmodern Theory: A Humanities Critique of the Human Sciences. Paper presented at the
Kentucky State University Institute for Liberal Studies Sixth Annual Interdisciplinary
Conference on Science & Culture, Frankfort, KY March 30-April 1, 1995.
(With Lisa Gunterman) Individual differences in physical attractiveness judgments: Where doth
beauty lie? Poster presented at the Kentucky Psychological Association Annual Convention,
Lexington, KY, November 1990.
Stereotype Smashing: Understand the enemy that it may be vanquished. (1990) Interchange. Vol. 47 (3) pp. 3, 11 .
Samuel Butler's Erewhon as Social Psychology. Teaching of Psychology. April 1990, 115-117.
Identify expression and symbolic behavior: Beauty is as beauty does? Poster presented at the 12th Annual
Conference of Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Louisville, October, 1989.
Merton and Islam. Chairman of paper session at the First General Meeting of the International
Thomas Merton society, Louisville, Kentucky, May, 1989.
Jessica Benningfield, BU student, presenting her research at the Butler University Undergraduate Research Conference. |