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My current teaching assignments are Psyc 103; Introduction to Psychology and HONR 150 Cross Cultural Sexuality.

Teaching Awards:

The Bellarmine Women's Council Instructional Development Award is a yearly award presented to the best instructional project submitted by a Bellarmine faculty to the Women's Council.  Dr. Osborn has won this award three times.

Metroversity is an educational consortium of seven Louisville and Southern Indiana universities.  One of the ways they promote teaching excellence is by holding a yearly competition where the more than 2000 faculty members in all the Metroversity institutions are eligible to submit proposals for consideration as the best instructional development projects of the year.  Dr. Osborn has won this award three times.

Winner, Metroversity Award for Instructional Development                                                            2003        

        This award was for the hypertext tutorial program "hypertut_piv" which is designed to teach students the principles involved in evaluating the design of psychological experiments and to develop students' critical thinking skills. This tutorial is available as a link on the Tutorial page.

Bellarmine Women’s Council Instructional Development Award                                                    2000

       This award was for the first version of a hypertext tutorial program designed to teach students how to understand psychology experiments.  It was the basis for developing hypertut_piv

Winner, Metroversity Award for Instructional Development                                                             1993

(with Dr. Curt Bergstrand, Sociology Program)

       This award was for an innovative group project approach to learning content knowledge developed in Dr. Osborn's Introductory Psychology course and Dr. Bergstrand's upper division Sociology classes

Bellarmine Women’s Council Instructional Development Award                                                     1991

       This award was for using Samuel Butler's utopian novel "Erewhon" as a supplementary text in our Junior level Social Psychology class to show how scientific social psychological principles can be seen in great works of the Humanities.  Five principles of social psychology were demonstrated in Erewhon.

Finalist, Grawemeyer Metroversity Award for Instructional Development                                        1988

(with Dr. James J. Valone, Philosophy Department)                           

      This award was for the demonstrated effectiveness of the team taught course, Dimensions of Consciousness, developed with Professor Valone.  This course compared and contrasted a number of psychological theories (including behaviorism,cognitive and evolutionary psychology) with philosophical viewpoints (primarily phenomenological) with symbolic interaction representing a bridge theory between the social sciences and humanities.

Bellarmine Women’s Council Instructional Development Award                                                      1981      (with Dr. James J. Valone, Philosophy Department)

      This award was for developing the team taught course, Dimensions of Consciousness, with Professor Valone of the Philosophy Department.  This course compared and contrasted a number of psychological theories (including behaviorism,cognitive and evolutionary psychology) with philosophical viewpoints (primarily phenomenological) with symbolic interaction representing a bridge theory between the social sciences and humanities.


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