
December Commencement set for 19th

November 21, 2007

Bellarmine University will award more than 282 degrees during its annual December commencement exercises on Wednesday, Dec. 19. Ceremonies will begin at 5 p.m. in Knights Hall with entrepreneur and founder of USA Harvest, Stan Curtis, delivering the commencement address.

During the ceremony, Bellarmine will award 36 doctorates, 152 master’s degrees, and 94 undergraduate degrees. Honorary degrees will be awarded to Curtis and Joan Cralle Day. Another highlight of the commencement exercises will be awarding the Archbishop's Medal of Scholastic Excellence, which is awarded to the graduate(s) having the highest cumulative grade point average.

Curtis is an entrepreneur, an investment executive, and the founder of the food distribution charity USA Harvest. In 18 years of operation, USA Harvest has grown to include 124 cities with more than 121,000 volunteers, which has totaled over 11 billion pounds of food. Curtis, currently serves in the world of investment and finance as senior vice president at Hilliard Lyons in Louisville.

Day is a lifelong philanthropist and President of The Cralle Foundation, a family foundation with a legacy of giving to education, health services, the elderly, and faith-based organizations. She is an exemplary steward of the traditions of faith and service and the values of civil society.

For information about cap and gown pick up and other details, consult the graduation Web site.


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