
Bellarmine hosts lectures on world hunger, microcredit

November 26, 2007

Sam Daley-Harris, an activist for advocate for organizing educational strategies to generate the will to end world hunger, will be visiting Bellarmine on Tuesday, Nov. 27. He will deliver two different lectures about political will to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty. The lectures will be at 1:40 p.m. and 7 p.m., both in Frazier Hall. Both are free and open to the public.

Daley-Harris is the founder and president of RESULTS and director for the Microcredit Summit Campaign. The Grameen Foundation recently awarded Daley-Harris its Susan M. Davis Lifetime Achievement Award for his work. He is the author of Reclaiming Our Democracy: Healing the Break between People and Government and the editor of Pathways Out of Poverty: Innovations in Microfinance for the Poorest Families.

RESULTS is an international nonprofit advocacy organization committed to creating the political will to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty. The Microcredit Summit Campaign, which advocates on behalf of microcredit issues, is a project of the RESULTS Educational Fund. Microcredit is programs extending small loans, and other financial services such as savings, to very poor people for self-employment projects that generate income, allowing them to care for themselves and their families. The Microcredit Summit Campaign, organized in 1997, launched a plan to reach 100 million of the world's poorest families by 2005. The goal was nearly reached and the campaign was re-launched in November, 2006 with the new goal of reaching 175 million of the world’s poorest families by 2015.

At the afternoon lecture, he will address microcredit and his work over the past ten years with the campaign. This lecture will be addressed to a Bellarmine class in international trade and finance class, but is also open to the public.

Daley-Harris’ evening lecture will focus on the powerful work of RESULTS through an interactive workshop format. Attendees will learn and practice the spoken and written techniques RESULTS uses to advocate on behalf of the world’s poorest people.


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