Two Bellarmine University theology professors shared their
perspectives on faith last week - one in a book review, the other on a podcast.
Writing in America magazine, Dr. Gregory Hills authored a review of "In Praise of the Useless Life: A Monk’s Memoir" by the Abbey of Gethsemani's Brother Paul Quenon. Hillis reflects on time he has spent with Quenon while visiting the abbey.
Quenon's time as a monk at Gethsemani began 60 years ago, under the guidance of Thomas Merton. Hillis describes Quenon as "playful and even mischievous" and calls his book "a series of vignettes, snapshots, of life as a Trappist monk from the perspective
of someone who has devoted 60 years to this life."
Last week, WFMP-LP 106.5 FM Forward Radio/ - a Louisville community-based radio station - broadcast an interview with Dr. Justin Klassen about dealing with contemporary ethical issues
in a Christian context. In a discussion with Forward Radio's Dr. Avery Kolers, Klassen shared theological perspectives on issues including politics, agriculture and the environment. The interview is archived as a podcast.
Speaking about pollution and its impact on animals and aquatic life, Klassen says, “those are creatures of God that you claim to worship. Otherwise, you just worship a very comfortable vision of your own self - you worship your own creature comforts."