Rev. Ronald Oliver, Bellarmine MBA ’15 – Norton Healthcare


Rev. Ronald Oliver, Bellarmine MBA '15


Rev. Ronald Oliver, MBA ’15

Degree: Bellarmine MBA, Class of 2015
Occupation: Norton Healthcare, System Vice President, Mission and Outreach

Ron Oliver, MBA ’17

"I rightfully expected that the Bellarmine MBA would prepare me to be a more effective and competent leader."

Why the Bellarmine MBA?

Bellarmine has what I value…an engaged faculty, a values infused curriculum, a practical focus, national accreditation, and a cohort methodology all laced together by an institution attentive to the unique needs and aspirations of its students. I rightfully expected that the Bellarmine MBA would prepare me to be a more effective and competent leader. I was not disappointed.

Favorite experience?

Sitting in the library with my colleagues, 3 computers running, spreadsheets projected on the screen, takeout food on the tables and starting with the feeling that we had no idea how to solve the problem handed to us. Then, a few hours later, shutting down the computers, turning off the projector, clearing up our little mess and walking out of that place with a plan that we came up with using the tools we had been taught that solved the problem. I get to have that excellent feeling forever.

Advice to students in the program?

The experience in the Executive MBA is a rocket ride – fast, exhilarating, new, and at times a little terrifying. My advice, get on board, take the ride! So many people live small with this one word: someday. Life seldom uncomplicates itself on its own. Own your life. Understand that you will have to make space for the learning ahead. Second: Appreciate that you will be challenged, confounded, and even overwhelmed…frankly, I would not have wanted it any other way. I often find myself saying, “If it was easy, everyone would do it.” In my view if it’s not hard, nothing is being learned. Next: Use your team and the professors to get you through. The Bellarmine MBA is a degree soaked in relationships. Enjoy and benefit from being a great student. Every time I went to a professor seeking assistance or a reasonable accommodation, I received a completely satisfactory and engaged reply. Enjoy and benefit from being a great teammate. The soul of the program is the relationships formed with unique, but similarly valued, peers. Allow yourself to be challenged and changed by your colleagues – iron sharpens iron.

Why Bellarmine? (in 10 words or less)

The Bellarmine MBA…a practical degree with a personal touch.