University Logo

Primary Logo

Bellarmine's primary brand, featuring university's Knight head with the word mark institutional name below, should be used in most instances, with the traditional seal is reserved for uses that include diplomas and certain ceremonial functions, such as commencement.

Bellarmine maroon logo

Downloadable Formats: EPS / PNG

If you are having difficult finding what you need, need access to legacy logos or need the logo to include your office, team or program, please submit a project request form.

Primary Logo

Bellarmine's primary brand, featuring university's Knight head with the word mark institutional name below, should be used in most instances, with the traditional seal is reserved for uses that include diplomas and certain ceremonial functions, such as commencement.

Legacy shield

Official Bellarmine Seal

Downloadable Formats: Request here.


To request a logo mark that incorporates your department, school, or team, submit a project request form here.