You do not have to be a member of Veritas to participate in Interest Groups.
NEW: DoBU (Do Bellarmine University events)
This group will attend events on Bellarmine's campus as a group. Events could include music and theater productions, lectures on campus, athletic events. Events have a nominal charge or are free. Dinner beforehand at BU or nearby is an option. If interested, please email Ann McWilliams at We’ll put you on the campus event newsletter email list, then decide as a group which events to attend.
The Mystery Book Discussion Group
The group is meeting in person and on Zoom on the first Tuesday of the month from 10:30 am - noon. Meetings are held at the Highlands-Shelby Park library branch. It enjoys between 12 - 20 members and always welcomes new members. Contact Rebecca Beyerle by email at to receive notices of future book choices.
The Ethnic Lunch Group
This group meets the second Thursday of the month at 11:30 am at various locations for different ethnic food each time. For information and reservations, contact Mary Helen Thompson at
Let's Do Lunch Group
This group is meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 11:30, eating at various restaurants that around the city for good food and time with Veritas friends. Contact Barb Simmons at or Debbie Heuser at to be added to the list.
The Spirituality Interest Group
This group meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month,10:30 a.m., at the Immanuel United Church of Christ, 2300 Taylorsville Road. The group is led by Barbara MacDonald, who has presented classes on Christianity, Spirituality, Cosmology, and Inter-religious Dialogue. For more information or to RSVP, email Barbara at
The Eat and Talk Group
This group gathers for lunch and conversation, usually on the third Monday of the month. Contact Dennis Wiseman at for more information.