TEDx Bellarmine Core Team

TEDx Core Team Mentors

Shawn Apostel

Dr. Shawn Apostel, Faculty Advisor, TEDx License Holder, Design, Arts and Technology Director

A former high-school dropout, musician and artist, Shawn is a dyslexic who found his questions about graphic design and photography couldn’t be answered without going to college, a decision that would eventually propel him to obtain a Ph.D. in rhetoric and technical communication.

Contact: sapostel@bellarmine.edu • @apostels • website

Kristi Apostel Kristi Apostel, Editor, Academic Consultant

When Kristi isn’t working online or supporting the TEDx Core Team, she’s usually in the kitchen layering flavors and trying not to stumble over two inquisitive pups. Professionally, she’s an editor, mentor, tutor, and technical communicator. She's also the resident chef and caterer for the Core Team, which she secretly admits is her favorite role for TEDx.

Contact: apostels@gmail.com • website

Angela Miller HeadshotAngela Miller, TEDx Co-Organizer, Adjunct Design, Arts, and Technology Faculty

Angela has worked at Bellarmine since 2009, experiencing the good fortune of serving as both faculty and staff over the years. She holds three master’s degrees, spanning from digital media to theatrical directing. She has served as the TEDxBellarmineU co-organizer since 2018 and is humbled and honored to be working with this amazing group of students who coordinate Bellarmine’s annual TEDx event.

Contact: amiller@bellarmine.edu

Gabriel Miller(2)Gabriel Miller, TEDx Community Liaison and Speaker Coach

Gabriel has always approached his journey with an enthusiastic eye toward helping others see and grow. After serving and leading in the military, Gabriel turned to building businesses and aiding others as a speaker, mentor, and managing partner in a small business group. Gabriel continuously seeks to encourage people to find joy in their pursuits, live in a socially sustainable way, and lift up others.

Event Organizers

Abigail Bullock

Abby Bullock, President, Senior, Double Major in Design, Arts and Technology and Communication, Minor in Theatre

This is Abby’s fourth year on the Core Team, and she is so excited to integrate all she learned in her first three years, gleaning from her other talented Core Team members. This year, Abby serves as the event’s emcee, assistant stage manager, and president. She has a passion for theatre, writing and film production and hopes to pursue one of these areas in the near future. At Bellarmine University, she is currently involved in the Bellarmine Leadership Institute, Alpha Psi Omega (Theatre Honors Society), and Bellarmine Theatre.

Contact: abullock3@bellarmine.edu

TedX Sophia SchindlerSophia Schindler, Vice President, Sophomore, Double Major in Design, Arts, and Technology and Communication

A second-year student at Bellarmine, Sophia is double majoring in design, arts, and technology and Communications with a minor in television news and broadcasting. In part due to her love for broadcasting, video editing, photography, and filmmaking, Sophia edits videos for TEDxBellarmineU social media and is looking forward to integrating more of her skills in video editing and camera work as she continues responsibilities with the Core Team.

TedX Ryan Kleine Kracht

Ryan Kleine-Kracht, Secretary, Senior, Double Major in Design, Arts, and Technology and Communication

Having been passionate about creating and designing since he was young, Ryan enjoys applying these skills in his activities with TEDxBellarmineU. Ryan serves as TEDxBellarmineU’s secretary and has assisted the marketing team and helped run the front of house for the event. In his personal life, he enjoys spending time with family and friends and loves fishing. Recently, Ryan's creative outlet has been making and airbrushing his own lures, but he is also eager to continue creative service with TEDxBellarmineU.

Gisela Martinez HeadshotGisela Martinez, Treasurer, Senior, Double Major in Economics and Business Administration, Minor in International Studies

Gisela is an international student from Merida, Mexico. She has always been an avid fan of TED Talks and is excited to continue participating in the TEDx events, currently serving as treasurer in one of her many roles. Gisela is a Student Ambassador, member of the Honors Program, and Peer Coach for first-year students. Looking ahead, she plans to pursue a master’s degree in  economics and study the economics of immigration.

Contact: gmartinezacosta@bellarmine.edu

TEDx Core Team Members

Nicholas HodgesNicholas Hodges, Junior, Double Major in Design, Arts, and Technology and Art

Having volunteered at the TEDxBellarmineU event in the past, Nicholas now assists with social media for the Core Team. In connection with his role on the TEDx Core Team, Nicholas also enjoys drawing and video editing.


TedX Elizabeth SatterlyElizabeth Satterly, Sophomore, Major in Public Health

Elizabeth was born and raised right here in Louisville, Kentucky. She enjoyed learning all the behind-the-scenes aspects that are involved in planning and producing Bellarmine’s TEDx Event, and she hopes to one day have a career in event planning. In her personal life, Elizabeth enjoys working as a front-desk agent at a hotel.

Graduated TEDx Core Members


Jacob Gagel, Majored in Communication, Minored in Digital Media; Master of Arts in Communication

Passionate about storytelling and film, Jacob started working with TEDxBellarmineU in 2020 as a videographer, eventually stepping into the role of director, producer, and video editor from 2021-2023. He is currently working on his career in screenwriting and directing.

Contact: jgagel@bellarmine.edu • Instagram

Lucas Rogers

Lucas Rogers, Double Majored in Design, Arts and Technology and Communication; Current Master of Business Administration Student

Lucas has been on the TEDxBellarmineU Core Team since their first TEDx event in 2019. He is passionate about visual and performing art, especially filmmaking, and began experimenting with video at the age of 14. He has made six short films and is currently developing a horror film and serving as the director of the podcast Dyslexics Untied. His goal in life is to be a famous movie director. Lucas has a strong background in the performing arts, has been playing the trumpet since he was 10, and, as an undergrad, was in Bellarmine’s pep band. He has also acted in a number of plays and served as stage manager for two musicals.

Contact: lrogers@bellarmine.edu • Instagram • YouTube


Jacob Schuhmann, Majored in Communication

Jacob is passionate about humanity and believes strongly in the power of kindness. A few years ago when Jacob was previously an emcee for TEDxBellarmineU, he had never held a long-term job or worked with people on a professional level. Jacob claims he was just a kid, passionate for people and education. While that passion continues, kindness has driven Jacob to realize the same applies to humanity. His personal philosophy is like a snowball: the kinder we are to other people, the more kindness we receive, and the more our passion grows for humanity. 

Alumni TEDx Core Members

TedX Thomas BernedoTomas Bernedo, Majored in Sports Administration; Master of Science in Digital Media

Tomas is from Santiago, Chile and came to the U.S. in 2016 to play soccer for Bellarmine while earning a degree in sports administration. After a short career as a professional soccer player in 2020, Tomas returned to his alma mater to pursue a master’s degree in digital media. This path inspired Tomas to join TEDxBellarmineU in 2022. For TEDx, Tomas enjoys recruiting and training volunteers for front-of-house duties. Tomas also has an interest in social media and contributes to content creation across all TEDx platforms.

Crystal Bhagwandin

Crystal Bhagwandin, Double Majored in Health Services Administration and Communication, Minor in Business Administration

Crystal’s last name is pronounced BAg- wahn - din. She is from Brooklyn and is passionate about breaking down and then eliminating injustices in the health system, particularly by making an impact in the day-to-day delivery of patient care.

Contact: cbhagwandin01@bellarmine.edu • crystalbhagwandin@gmail.com

Abigail Bullock

Daniel Hutchins, Majored in Communication, Minor in Marketing and Digital Media

Daniel was TEDxBellarmineU’s social media manager, stemming from an ongoing interest in social media marketing and digital media. In his personal life, he enjoys gaming, reading, music production, and consuming various forms of online media.

Contact: dhutchins@bellarmine.edu


John Klapheke, Double Majored in Design, Arts and Technology and Communication

John has been on the TEDxBellarmineU core team since February 2018. This journey with TEDx eventually led John to fulfill a lifetime goal of giving his own TEDx Talk in January 2020. John now attends the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law and is pursuing a JD/MBA. In his spare time, John enjoys kayaking, photography, working out, and hiking through nature.

Contact: jpklap01@louisville.edu

Hannah Melcher

Hannah Melcher, Double Major in Design, Arts and Technology and Communication, Minor in Digital Media

While sports have always been a big part of Hannah's life, after having to step away from competitive play, she has found a passion and joy in storytelling and journalism. This passion is growing in her plans to pursue a career in sports broadcasting and journalism. Her strongest abilities are seen in her organization and time management skills. Outside of these pursuits, she also enjoys watching sports, baking, working out and reading.

Contact: hmelcher@bellarmine.edu


Quincy Nelson, TEDx Core Team Founder

Although Quincy graduated from Bellarmine in 2016, he will always be a student. His interests include art, culture and various forms of social media and technology. He enjoys traveling and he works and thrives when he’s around amazing people like those on the TEDx Core Team.

Contact: sqnelson1@gmail.com 

Grace PottsGrace Potts, Majored in Communication; Master of Science in Digital Media

Grace coordinated TEDxBellarmineU’s social media and was emcee for TEDxBellarmineU in 2021. She is passionate about social media management and marketing and is now working as social media coordinator at audiochuck.

Contact: gpotts@bellarmine.edu

RominaRomina Vaca Puente, Previous Exchange Student from Ecuador

Romina organized multiple events for the communication faculty at her home university, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, where she coordinated a hair donation campaign to provide wigs to children with leukemia. She has won multiple track meets, played soccer since she was five and practiced karate for multiple years. Romina’s goal is to work with refugees and immigrants in the nonprofit sector.

Contact: rominavacapuente@gmail.com


Grayson Rohrig, Majored in Communication

Grayson, who graduated in 2018, is heavily interested in radio, podcasting and event planning in his professional life. In his personal life, he likes climbing, stand-up comedy, traveling and camping.

Contact: grayson.rohrig@gmail.com 

Gillian Urbaniak, Majored in Pre-Law

From Chicago, Gillian’s passions are educating youth on activism and using communication, politics and law to help those who feel left behind. She was a legal intern for the American Civil Liberties Union and is a fan of coffee and petting dogs.