Application Information
All applicants must apply through the Nursing Centralized
Application Service (CAS) at Applicants must complete the entire application,
including entry of all previous coursework.
- It takes Nursing CAS 4-6 weeks to verify your application
and submit it to Bellarmine University after
you submit it to Nursing CAS.
- You must submit all official transcripts (even if coursework
is “In Progress”) directly to Nursing CAS. They
will not verify an application without all transcripts.
- You may apply while enrolled in pre-requisite courses.
Applicants are considered for conditional admission
pending successful completion of outstanding
- You may apply if you will earn your bachelor’s degree
by May 2025.
- The application fee is $60.
- We do not require a supplemental application or fee.
- Upon admission to the program, students must submit
a $100 non-refundable tuition deposit to reserve a
position in the May 2025 program.
Transcript Information
Applicants must submit all final, official transcripts to Nursing
CAS at the time of your application or they will not process
your application.
- Applicants must submit any official transcripts including “In
Progress” coursework at the time of application as well.
- Applicants who apply prior to fall semester grade posting must
submit final, official transcripts including fall semester
grades to Nursing CAS by February 1 of the program year.
- Any final, official transcripts submitted to Nursing CAS are
considered official and you do not need to submit those to Bellarmine
- Any transcripts which include “In Progress” coursework or
degree requirements at the time you submit the Nursing CAS
application are not considered official.
- All final, official transcripts for any course completed in the spring semester must be submitted directly from the college or
university directly to Bellarmine University by June 18, 2020.
Final, official transcripts cannot be stamped “Issued to Student.”
- Because students cannot be enrolled in any other academic
coursework while enrolled in the Accelerated BSN program,
you must provide proof that you have successfully completed all
courses by Thursday, April 30, 2020.
- An email from the professor including the final grade, an unofficial
transcript, or credit-by-exam printed grade report including the
final letter grade will be acceptable for proof of course completion.
- If you are completing your bachelor’s degree in May 2020, you
should provide proof of course completion for all spring semester
- Students who do not provide proof of successful completion of all
academic coursework by Thursday, April 30, 2020 will not begin classes on Monday, May 4, 2020.
International Applicants
Language Proficiency. see above
Financial Affidavit. All applicants must provide credible
evidence (e.g. a bank statement, letter on bank stationary
attesting to the availability of funds, etc.) of the ability to
fund the cost of attending Bellarmine University for one
academic year. If funds are provided by another person
on behalf of the student, an affidavit must accompany
the financial information.
Proof of Passport. Scan of passport ID page must show
validity for 6 months post completion of the program.
KBN Regulation on Mandatory Reporting of Criminal Convictions
An applicant for an RN license in Kentucky must report
and submit documentation of felonies and/or misdemeanors.
The applicant is required to report and submit the
following documentation on the RN license application
under Criminal History:
- All Felonies: Certified court documents and a detailed
letter of explanation
- All Misdemeanors received within 5 years of the
date of application: Certified court documents and
a detailed letter of explanation
- All DUIs (Driving Under the Influence): Certified
court documents and a detailed letter of explanation
- All Misdemeanors received prior to 5 years of the
date of application: No documentation required
- Traffic offenses, other than DUIs, do not have to be
“The statute [KRS 314.091(1)(b)] states that the Kentucky
Board of Nursing may take action on any felony
or a misdemeanor that involved drugs, alcohol, fraud,
deceit, falsification of records, a breach of trust, physical
harm or endangerment to others, dishonesty, or sexual
offenses. The Kentucky Board of Nursing can deny an
application for a license for criminal convictions(s). Denial
of licensure is a formal disciplinary action.”
If you have questions about your particular situation,
contact the Kentucky Board of Nursing at 800.305.2042.