Peer Notetaker Accommodation
If you have been approved by the Office of Accessibility Resource Center for this accommodation, and requested a notetaker, Accessibility Resource Center will seek a volunteer peer notetaker in your requested courses.
Once a peer notetaker has been identified, you will anonymously be linked via our Accommodate website. To access notes, log in to Accommodate using your One Bellarmine email and password and select ‘Note-taker network.’ Here you will find all notes that have been uploaded thus far.
Notetaking Application Accommodation
If you have been approved for this accommodation, the Accessibility Resource Center will assign a license for Glean audio notetaking application. Once a license has been assigned, you will receive an email directly from Glean ( providing next steps.
Glean Training
· You can find a variety of how-to videos in the Glean Skills Portal here.
· Glean has a YouTube channel with other helpful video tutorials here.