Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students Office supports the academic and co-curricular mission of the University through student advocacy, services, and programs that promote the general welfare of students and fosters a campus climate conducive to learning and responsible citizenship. The primary goals of the Dean of Students Office are to provide opportunities for personal development, encourage wellness among students, protect student rights, and promote ethical behavior.

How Can We Help?

  • Talk with you about your unique situation
  • Identify skills to promote your success and wellbeing
  • Connect you with Bellarmine campus resources
  • Coordinate support across campus
  • Connect with faculty on your behalf when necessary
  • Assist with University processes and procedures
  • Celebrate your growth and success

We are here for your lows, highs, and everything in between. Feel free to stop by or make an appointment any time you want to discuss your academic journey or personal experiences!

Faculty and staff are often the first to observe students in distress. The Care Guide is a quick reference guide to help recognize, respond to, and refer distressed students.

Contact Us

Dr. Leslie Maxie headshotDr. Leslie Maxie
Dean of Students

Desiree IsaacDesiree Isaac
Associate Dean of Students/Chief Title IX Officer

Lindsey RuthLindsey Ruth
Student Care Coordinator