We encourage any Bellarmine community member who has experienced potential sexual discrimination, sexual harassment (including sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking), sexual exploitation and retaliation to consider reporting
the incident(s) to a member of the Title IX Team.
Title IX Officers
Reports related to any instance of sexual discrimination or misconduct can be reported to one of the following campus Title IX Officers:
Desiree Isaac, Chief Title IX Officer
Centro, McGowan Hall 280-B (CNMH 280-B)
Tony Brosky, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Dean, School
of Movement and Rehab Services
Allen Hall - Room 112 (ALLN-112)
Dana Hummel, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Chief Human Resources Officer
Centro, Horrigan Hall 202-E (CNHH-202
Pam Stackhouse, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Deputy Athletics Director & Senior Women’s Administrator
Knights Hall, 022-C
Mandatory Reporting
All employees of the University (except for the Confidential entities outlined below) are considered Mandatory Reporters. Disclosure of any instance of potential sexual discrimination and misconduct reported to a full-time Bellarmine faculty member, staff
member (including Residence Life student staff) must be immediately reported to the Chief Title IX Officer.