Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Why do I need an Academic Advisor?

Advisors guide you in formulating your educational plans, and help you to translate your goals, interests, and career aspirations into an effective education. Your advisor will help you understand the academic requirements that give structure to your study. If you are an undecided student, meet with an advisor regularly to plan each semester's academic program and to explore how your interests can lead to a choice of a major and a career.

How do I access the University Catalog?
How do I schedule a tutor and/or writing consultant?

Tutoring and study sessions are offered by the Tutoring Center. Writing consultants are available to all students in the Writing Center. Both centers are located in the Student Success Center, B level, Library. To make an appointment, please visit the Tutoring Center or Writing Center's sites.

Registering for Classes

How do I find out what classes are available?

Classes are listed and updated in real time on the one.bellarmine Class Schedule.

When do I register for classes?

Times for pre-registration and registration are posted in the Academic Calendar. Prior to pre-registration, a student is expected to PLAN a semester Class Schedule on one.bellarmine. After the PLAN is complete, the student must schedule an appointment with the assigned advisor. All freshmen meet for advising with their Freshman Focus instructor. Upperclassmen meet with their assigned academic advisor. Advisors are noted on one.bellarmine. Following the approval of the class schedule by the advisor, the student can register for semester classes at the time assigned to them.

Why am I not able to register for classes?

There are several possible reasons for not being able to register for classes. First, if it is not during the Add/Drop period, check if it is your scheduled registration period. Second, check on one.bellarmine to see if there are any holds (Bursar or Advisor) on your account.

Will I be withdrawn from a class if I stop going?

It is always the student’s responsibility to withdraw from a class. If a student stops going to a class, the instructor does not withdraw the student from the class.

How do I withdraw/drop from a class?

After Add/Drop Period, a withdrawal slip is required to drop a class. You can pick up a withdrawal slip from the Registrar's Office or from an SSC Advisor. The completed form must be returned to the Registrar’s office. The last day to withdraw from a class is published in the Academic Calendar.

What happens when I withdraw from a class?

Students who find it necessary to withdraw from a class/classes in a term are required to follow the official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal withdrawal procedures may result in a failing grade. Information on withdrawal policies is available in the University Catalog.

What is the policy on repeating classes?

Questions About Majors

What happens is I am undecided about my major?

A list of majors is available in the University Catalog. The Career Development Center,, offers interest inventories to see what majors correspond with your interests, and Academic Advisors can help with your choices.

How do I change my major?

To change your major, you need to print and complete the Change of Major/Minor Form. The form needs to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

New Student Questions

What classes will I take in my first semester?

Your first semester class schedule is created by a Student Success Center Academic Advisor. The schedule is based on your selected major and the program of study outlined in the Course Catalog. If you are an Undeclared about your major, the Academic Advisor will create a schedule based on your areas of interest noted on your Advising form.

How many classes should I take my first semester?

Your first semester will have approximately 15-16 credit hours. This number of credit hours will keep you on target for graduation in four years (minimum 126 hours to graduate).

Do my IB and/or AP test scores count?

IB and AP examinations are awarded academic credit at Bellarmine for select courses. The list of courses and the required scores, along with the course equivalency can be found at:

Course credit is not awarded until the test scores are sent to the Admission Office. It is the student’s responsibility after successful completion of the examinations to request that the test scores be reported to the university.

How do I maintain satisfactory academic standing?

View our policy on Academic Status

Transfer Student Questions

How do I know what course requirements I have already satisfied?

Students are responsible for requesting official transcripts from all previous universities attended. The transcript is to be sent to the Bellarmine University Registrar. When the official transcript is received, the Registrar completes a Transfer Equivalency Report and notifies the student of accepted transfer credit(s).

What credits will carry over?

General Education (GE) Questions

Why am I taking General Education classes?

The major course of study provides in depth study of a discipline. General Education requirements create a common intellectual experience that helps students discover the connections among various fields of knowledge.

What are the General Education requirements?

The General Education consists of a minimum of 49 hours of course work selected from the options listed in the University Catalog. In some cases, the minimum course requirements for a major include courses that also satisfy General Education Requirements.

Readmission After Academic Dismissal Question

What do I do if I am dismissed? How do I get reinstated?