Is financial aid available for summer?
Financial aid may be available in the summer. Each student’s aid eligibility may vary depending on many factors, so it’s recommended to speak with the Financial Aid Office about what may be available to you or by completing the Summer Financial Aid Application.
How will the courses be taught?
In-Person, Face-to-Face (F2F)
The defining characteristic of face-to-face courses is that they will meet during regular class schedules and the instructor and all enrolled students will be present in the classroom together for all meetings using the latest physical distancing
Online courses are conducted 100 percent virtually throughout the entire semester.
- Most online courses will be synchronous (required specified virtual meeting times) or have synchronous components such as scheduled discussion groups. Synchronous course times and days are reflected on the class schedule so that students know
when to virtually attend.
- A small number of online courses will be asynchronous (specific meeting times are not required) in which case there are no times and days listed on the class schedule. Students in asynchronous courses will follow instructional expectations outlined
by the instructor.
In-Person, Face-to-Face (F2F)
The defining characteristic of face-to-face courses is that they will meet during regular class schedules and the instructor and all enrolled students will be present in the classroom together for all meetings using the latest physical distancing
Online courses are conducted 100 percent virtually throughout the entire semester.
- Most online courses will be synchronous (required specified virtual meeting times) or have synchronous components such as scheduled discussion groups. Synchronous course times and days are reflected on the class schedule so that students know
when to virtually attend.
- A small number of online courses will be asynchronous (specific meeting times are not required) in which case there are no times and days listed on the class schedule. Students in asynchronous courses will follow instructional expectations outlined
by the instructor.
What services will be available to me this summer?
This summer, the Student Success Center will continue to offer academic advising, tutoring, writing support, and academic coaching. To learn more about these services, please visit the Student Success Center website.
Should I consult my advisor before registering?
Yes! They can help you ensure that the courses you register for in the summer are appropriate for your major.
How can I add or drop a course?
Please visit the Registrar site to access the Add/Drop/Withdrawal Card form. Be sure to consult with your faculty advisor or an academic
advisor in the SSC prior to completing this form.
What are my General Education requirements?
Bellarmine's General Education consists of a minimum of 49 hours of coursework selected from the options listed in the University Catalog.
In some cases, the minimum course requirements for a major include courses that also satisfy General Education requirements.
Can I live on campus this summer?
Yes! We will have summer housing for undergraduate students available in Petrik, Kennedy and Newman Halls.
Summer housing is offered at greatly reduced rates. Contact Residence Life ( for Summer 2024 rates.