- NKSP Scholars must attend the NSKP Orientation program that will introduce the Noyce scholars about the NKSP’s expectations.
- NKSP Scholars can take part in a paid summer internship in STEM Education for one month at the Kentucky Science Center. Each Noyce intern will receive $1250 for this internship – a stipend of $800 (20 hours/week for four-weeks at $10/hour)
and $450 as subsistence towards housing expenses for one month.
- NKSP Scholars who are in the post-baccalaureate MAT year in summer prior to certification for the Early Entry MAT program or in the summer after graduation, prior to certification of the Mathematics Undergraduate Certification pathway or in the summer
of the 1st year of the Traditional MAT program must take part in a one-week paid Professional Development workshop in summer focused on Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) at the University of Kentucky for Noyce scholars.
- NKSP Scholars will be required to take part in STEM Teacher Education Learning Community (STELC) activities. STELC will provide a support network among pre-service STEM teacher education students, in-service STEM teachers, and STEM/Education faculty
and peer mentors. Upon graduation, Noyce scholars will become professional members of STELC as Noyce STEM teachers.
- NKSP Scholars will be required to take part in annual STEM Maker Fair event at BU that will be hosted by STELC for BU STEM and KCTCS community college STEM students.
- NKSP scholars in the Graduate Certification Pathway (Early Entry MAT or the Traditional MAT program) will be required to a complete a minimum of 200 hours of field experience that will provide classroom teaching experiences in diverse settings at
JCPS schools.
- NKSP scholars must attend four seminars/workshops on Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) and two Induction Seminars.
- Each year, one NKSP scholar will be chosen to attend the national NSF Noyce Summit in Washington D.C. with a NKSP faculty. All travel expenses paid.
- Each year, two NKSP scholars will be chosen to attend the Regional Noyce Meeting with the NKSP faculty. All travel expenses paid.
Faculty Mentoring
A pivotal aspect of Noyce scholars’ retention and persistence is directly related to opportunities to connect with a designated faculty mentor within the student's STEM discipline. Each Noyce scholar will be paired with the project’s STEM
faculty coordinator who will serve as their mentor and advisor. The Faculty mentor will oversee the Noyce scholars’ curricular and non-curricular progress. Faculty mentors will work with the Student Success Center staff
to determine if additional academic support is needed. NKSP faculty mentors from the School of Education will provide mentorship with master teachers via observation and reflection during their student teacher practicum to ensure
that they develop sound pedagogical skills needed to effectively teach the STEM content in high-need settings.
Peer Tutoring and Coaching
Seniors from each of the STEM disciplines will provide help as needed with the STEM courses materials/contents and tutoring via individual or small-group tutoring sessions. NKSP scholars will also be encouraged in their senior year (for the
Early Entry MAT track) to serve as peer tutors for freshman and sophomores as part of their pre-service teaching experience. Graduating MAT students will be assigned to help in the teacher certification (Praxis) exams preparation sessions.