1. Insights from a Noyce Project on Preparing STEM Majors for Teaching Careers, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Dr. Kristin Cook, and Dr. Jung Colen, presented at the 2024 Kentucky Science Teachers Association (KSTA) conference, held at the Knicely Conference Center, Bowling Green, on November 8-9, 2024.
2. Noyce Knights Scholars Program (NKSP): Preparing and Supporting Certified STEM Teachers in Kentucky, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Samia Mahmood, Dr. Kristin Cook, and Dr. Jung Colen, talk presented at the 2024 Annual Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Meeting, held at Kentucky State University, November 1-2, 2024.
3. Noyce Knights Scholars Program (NKSP) at Bellarmine University, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Dr. Kristin Cook, Dr. Jung Colen, and Prof. Marlisa Austin, talk presented at the 2024 Midwest Annual Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Conference, held at St. Louis, Missouri on October 18-20, 2024.
4. Informal Education Summer Internship and STEM Maker Fair Experience for Undergraduate STEM Students and Noyce Scholars, Divya Joseph, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Dr. Kristin Cook, Dr. Jung Colen, and Dr. Cody Nygard poster presented at the 2024 Midwest Annual Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Conference, held at St. Louis, Missouri on October 18-20, 2024.
5. Effects of an Informal Education Internship Experience on STEM majors' interest in teaching, K. Cook and J. Colen, talk presented at the 123rd School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA), held in Knoxville, TN, November 7-9, 2024.
6. Supporting Teacher Education in STEM through Partnerships, Prof. Marlisa Austin Dr. Kristin Cook, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, and Divya Joseph, talk presented at the August 7 JCTC Teaching and Learning Conference, held on August 7, 2024.
7. Kentucky Scholarship Informs the Field of Science Education. Dr. K. Cook, presented at the Higher Ed Science Teaching Summit, held at Kentucky State University, January 26, 2024.
8. Lessons Learned from Informal Education Internship Experience with Noyce Scholars, Dr. Kristin Cook, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Dr. Cody Nygard, Erica Hartlage, Dr. Jung Colen, and Prof. Marlisa Austin, poster presented at the 2024 NSF Noyce Summit, held in Washington D.C, July 15-17, 2024.
9. Noyce Internship at the Kentucky Science Center: Inspiring STEM Students to Pursue a Career in STEM Teaching, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Dr. Kristin Cook, and Dr. Cody Nygard, talk presented at the 2023 Annual Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Meeting, held at Northern Kentucky University, November 2-4, 2023.
10. Preparing STEM Students to Become STEM Teachers: Reflections from a Noyce Project Name, Dr. Kristin Cook, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, and Dr. Jessica Ivy, talk presented at 2023 Annual School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA) Convention, held in Colorado Springs, CO, October 19 - 21, 2023.
11. Preparing Qualified STEM Teachers Who Can Teach Across Cultural Boundaries in Diverse Classrooms in High-Need Schools, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Dr. Kristin Cook, Dr. Jessica Ivy, Bryan Burns (Bellarmine University) and Prof. Marlisa Austin (Jefferson Community and Technical College), poster presented at the 2023 Midwest Annual Noyce Conference, held in St. Louis, MO, October 20-22, 2023.
12. Noyce Internship at the Kentucky Science Center: Inspiring STEM Students to Pursue a Career in STEM Teaching, Divya Joseph, Nichole Diaz, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Dr. Kristin Cook, Dr. Cody Nygard (Bellarmine University) and Prof. Marlisa Austin (Jefferson Community and Technical College), poster presented at the 2023 Midwest Annual Noyce Conference, held in St. Louis, MO, October 20-22, 2023.
13. Preparing Qualified STEM Teachers Who Can Teach Across Cultural Boundaries in Diverse Classrooms in High-Need Schools, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Dr. Kristin Cook, Dr. Jessica Ivy, Bryan Burns (Bellarmine University) and Prof. Marlisa Austin (Jefferson Community and Technical College), poster presented at the 2023 NSF Noyce Summit, held in Washington D.C, June 26-28, 2023.
14. Inspiring STEM Student to Pursue a Career in STEM Teaching: Summer Internship in STEM Education at the Kentucky Science Center, Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, Dr. Kristin Cook, Dr. Cody Nygard, talk presented at the 2022 Annual KAS Meeting, held at Morehead State University, November 11 - 12, 2022.
15. Noyce Knights Scholars Program, Dr. Kristin Cook, and Dr. Akhtar Mahmood, talk presented at the 2022 Kentucky Science Teachers Association (KSTA) conference, held at Eastern Kentucky University, November 4-5, 2022.
16. Experiencing STEM Teaching As Emerging Educators, Kristin Cook, Jessica Ivy, and Akhtar Mahmood, talk presented at the 2022 Annual School Science and Mathematics Association (SSMA) Convention, held in Missoula, MT, October 27 - 29, 2022.
Talks and Presentations from Noyce Capacity Building Project
1. Community College Collaboration in Supporting Future Science and Math Teachers, K. Cook, A. Mahmood, presentation at the 2021 Annual Midwest Robert Noyce Regional Conference, February 4-11, 2021. (Virtual Conference).
2. Strengthening STEM Teacher Education Pathways: Inspiring STEM Students to Pursue a Career in STEM Teaching Through Internships, K. Cook, A. Mahmood, and C. Nygard, presentation at the 2020 NSF Noyce Virtual Summit, August 5, 2020.
3. Noyce Capacity Building Project: Strengthening STEM Teacher Education Pathways in Kentucky with Collaborative Partnerships, A. Mahmood, K. Cook, and C Nygard, presentation at the 9th Annual STEM Expo Conference hosted by the National Science Teachers (NSTA) in Louisville, KY on July 30, 2020 (Virtual Conference).
4. Summer Internship Experience at the Kentucky Science Center for STEM Students, S. Gibbons, C. Nygard, K. Cook, A. Mahmood, poster presentation at the 2019 Annual KAS (KY Academy of Science) Meeting, held at Berea College on November 1-2, 2019. S. Gibbons received the First Prize award in the Science Education category.
5. Building Community Partnership with the Kentucky Science Center: Inspiring STEM Students to Pursue a Career in STEM Teaching”, Gabrielle Hissong, Cody Nygard, Kristin Cook, and Akhtar Mahmood, poster presentation at the 2019 Midwest Annual Robert Noyce Regional Conference in St. Louis, Missouri (Nov. 1-3, 2019).
6. Noyce Capacity Building Project: Strengthening STEM Teacher Education Pathways in Kentucky with Collaborative Partnerships”, Kristin Cook, Akhtar Mahmood, and Cody Nygard, presentation at the 2019 Midwest Annual Robert Noyce Conference in St. Louis, Missouri on Nov. 1-3, 2019.
Videos from the Noyce Capacity Building Project
1. Noyce Capacity Building Project at Bellarmine University, NSF-STEM for ALL Video Showcase, May 11-18, 2021. Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dQFho6OZIDotINFkUlz-Mtlt9bVZ_lBX/view?usp=sharing.
2. Noyce Capacity Building Project at Bellarmine University, YouTube video link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ0sVv1xyb0, posted on July 13, 2020.
3. Noyce-Bellarmine University-Kentucky Science Center Internship”, YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct_T9A6LUOg&t=4s, posted on Oct 31, 2019.
The Impact of Internship on Undergraduate STEM Students’ Interest in STEM Teaching, Kristin Cook, Akhtar Mahmood, and Cody Nygard (Bellarmine University), Mira Gentry-Johnson and Mellisa Blankenship (Kentucky Science Center), Electronic Journal for Research in Science & Mathematics Education (EJRSM) Vol. 26, No. 3, 19-39, 2022.