Partnership with the Kentucky Science Center

In order to inspire undergraduate STEM students to pursue a career in 6-12 teaching, are collaborating with the Kentucky Science Center as a part of our Noyce Knights Scholars Program (NKSP) to strengthen the 6-12 STEM teacher education pathways so that we can provide summer internship opportunities at the Kentucky Science Center for our STEM majors to carry-out hands-on engaging science activities with the younger students from the various grade levels that will develop their skills in STEM education. We are hoping that such interactions with the younger students may generate their interest in pursuing a career in STEM teaching. Both the Noyce Capacity Building grant (2019) and the Noyce Track 1 grant (2022-present) have enabled STEM majors to do a paid summer internship at the Kentucky Science Center.

For more information about the KY Science Center, visit: