Policy and Process

Title IX Policy

Our commitment to Title IX begins with our policy.  This policy is updated yearly and as needed if federal guidance requires us to make specific changes.  Bellarmine utilizes one policy for student and employee Title IX concerns. Instances of sexual discrimination, harassment or misconduct that do not rise to the level of a Title IX violation or are not within the jurisdiction of Title IX, may be referred to a secondary process for review and action.  

The full policy can be accessed and downloaded utilizing the button above. 

Students and employees may find the following guide helpful if they are seeking a formal resolution through the University:

Investigation & Hearing Flow Charts

If any member of the campus community has questions related to the policy or procedure, they are encouraged to reach out to Chief Title IX Officer, Desiree Isaac

Violence Against Women Act

Bellarmine University fully complies with the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA). VAWA is a federal law requiring college and universities to provide access to safety and support for survivors of sexual violence. It additionally requires campus-wide training and prevention efforts as well as formalized adjudication processes. The VAWA Act was reauthorized in March 2022 expanding expectations of support and safety specifically for individuals from marginalized communities. The Department of Education and Department of Justice  are charged with overseeing that the protection for students on college campuses are fair and robust.  

Bellarmine offers annual training for all employees related to sexual discrimination, harassment and misconduct (including Stalking, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Sexual Assault).

All incoming students are required to complete prevention training in response to VAWA and in the promotion of a community of inclusion and care. 

Yearly workshops and trainings are available to classes, groups, and departments through BraveBU efforts and the Title IX Office.

In 2019, Bellarmine University was the recipient of the Department of Justice Office of Violence Against Women grant which established a full time Sexual Assault Prevention Coordinator, allowing the campus to expand awareness and prevention efforts. 

Clery Act Requirements

Bellarmine produces an annual security report (ASR) as required by the Clery Act.  This report provides information related to crime that occurs on campus and within Bellarmine's Clery geography.  Any instance of crime related to rape, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking and hate crimes that are reported to a Campus Safety Authority are documented and shared publicly.

This annual report and additional information related to the Clery Act can be found here