Student Resources

How to Get Help for Yourself

If you have experienced sexual harassment, discrimination, or assault please know that you are not alone.  We are committed to providing all students with the resources and support that you deserve. 

If you have just experienced sexual violence, please consider:

  • Getting yourself to a physical place that you feel safe.
  • Calling a trusted family member or friend who can be with you.
  • If you are comfortable seeking medical attention, do not change your clothes or shower.
  • Call the Center for Women and Families 844.237-2331. This line is monitored 24/7 with trained advocates who can help you to process, accompany you for an exam, accompany you to report to the police, or assist you with safety planning.  
  • If seeking medical attention, there are two recommended locations to receive a SAFE exam (which includes STI information, emergency contraception and the opportunity to speak with a police officer).  The first is at the Center for Women and Families (accessed by calling 844.237.2331). The second is the University of Louisville hospital.  The SAFE exam is free of charge and must be completed within 96 hours of the incident. Seeking medical attention does not mean you will be forced to speak with police or cooperate in a criminal proceeding.
  • If you would like to file a police report, please contact the Office of Public Safety 502.272.7777 and they can assist you in connecting with the Louisville Metro Police Department -911-. You may also call LMPD directly (911), if you feel comfortable doing so.
  • It is recommended that you retain the clothes you were wearing at the time and store them in a paper bag if you are considering filing a police report.  Additionally, retain any and all documents, pictures, receipts that may assist in the event of a campus or police investigation.  
  • Write down all details of the incident that you can recall, including any other people present as soon as possible after the incident and store this in a safe place. 

On Campus Resources

Off Campus Resources

How to Help a Fellow BU Member or Friend

Listening Tips

If a friend has experienced sexual harassment or misconduct there are several ways that you might be able to support them:

  • Be a patient listener. Try not to press them for details, rather focus on their safety and allowing them to feel validated.
  • Mirror the language they use when sharing their story.  They may not identify with certain words or characteristics, that's okay.
  • If they are open to receiving support, offer to go with them to the hospital or to a trained counselor.
  • If they are in immediate danger or need immediate assistance, call 911 or the Office of Public Safety 502.272.7777
  • Be respectful of the decisions.  It is never easy navigating issues related to sexual harassment, discrimination or violence.  These are issues related to power and control.  It is important that those who support survivors respect their autonomy in making decisions that they are comfortable with, when they are comfortable making them.
  • Get support for yourself.  It is always challenging to witness someone you care about hurting. Please reach out to your own support system, faculty or staff at the university, trained counselors, or the Center for Women and Families to process how their experience is impacting you and tips for how best to support them. 

Encouraging Safety

Sometimes we may be supporting our friends as they experience ongoing issues related to sexual harassment, discrimination and violence.  It may be helpful for you to encourage them to reach out for support and resources in order to keep them as safe as possible.

  • If an incident of violence has recently occurred, please encourage your friend to seek medical support either through Health Services, University of Louisville Hospital, or the Center for Women and Families.
  • If you have ongoing concerns related to the safety of your friend due to issues related to stalking, dating or domestic violence, it is HIGHLY recommend that you first seek advice from our partners at the Center for Women and Families. They have a crisis line available 24/7 with trained advocates who can assist you in supporting your friend. These issues are often long lasting and can include concerns related to imminent physical threat. Please never intercede in a situation by yourself.
  • If you need immediate assistance related to physical safety, please call the Office of Public Safety 502.272.7777 or Louisville Metro Police Department 911. 

Connect to Support

Gently recommending that your friend connect with available support and resources could be very helpful. In general it takes someone about 7 instances of being encouraged to seek support for someone to actively consider taking action. Please be patient with your friend and seek support for yourself as well. 

How to Report

Campus Reporting

We encourage members of our community to report instances of sexual discrimination, harassment and violence that they may come to know about. Reporting allows us to provide support to those who have experiences sexual misconduct, it also allows us to address issues of concern that do not contribute to a safer and more inclusive campus community for all. Reporting allows us to identify trends of concern that can inform our prevention and outreach efforts.  

All employees of the University (including full-time faculty, coaching staff, and Residence Life student staff) are mandatory reporters. As such, they are required to report instances of potential sexual misconduct to the Title IX Office. 

Any member of the campus community may report concerns related to sexual misconduct by reaching out to the Chief Title IX Officer by phone 502.272.7337, email or in person by visiting Centro, McGowan Hall, Room 280-B.

Additionally, reporting may be made by filling out the Student Concern Report Form. Completing the Student Concern Report Form will automatically alert the Interim Chief Title IX Officer to the report for follow up.  Anonymous reports are accepted, however response for anonymous reporting may be limited.

Reports may also be made to the Dean of Students Office or to the Office of Public Safety.

Law Enforcement

Students wishing to file a police report may do so by reaching out to Louisville Metro Police Department 911. If students would like assistance in reaching out to law enforcement, you may request support from the Title IX Office, the Office of Public Safety, or reach out to the Center for Women and Families to talk through this option. 

Assistance & Support

Connection to Resources

Regardless of whether or not a student wants to formally report to campus officials or involve police, we firmly believe that those experiencing sexual discrimination, harassment and violence deserve support. 

Students are encouraged to reach out to BraveBU student ambassadors, the Title IX Office, or the Center for Women and Families to connect with resources or learn about ways to get involved.  

Student Resource Guide on Sexual Misconduct

Interim Measures and Considerations

Students who have experienced sexual discrimination, harassment and misconduct may request additional support from the University as they work to attain their degrees. These may be requested whether or not a formal report has been filed with the University.

Some interim support considerations may be:

  • No Contact Directives (if the other individual involved is a member of the Bellarmine community)
  • Temporary housing adjustment
  • Class schedule/section adjustment
  • Request for extensions from faculty
  • Other (based on individual needs)

Requests for interim support measures should be made to the Chief Title IX Officer,

Prevention Efforts


BraveBU is a group of students committed to fostering a culture on campus that empowers faculty, staff, and students to create a safer and healthier campus community and to support members of our campus community through community partnerships, education, and awareness focusing on gender-based violence. BraveBU seeks to encourage all Bellarmine students, faculty, and staff to take steps to prevent harm to fellow community members. 

BraveBU seeks to encourage all Bellarmine students, faculty, and staff to take steps to prevent harm to fellow community members. We all have a shared responsibility to keep our community safe.

Community Education

  • Dynamics of Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, and Stalking
  • Bystander Intervention/Student Upstanders
  • Consent
  • Healthy Relationships
  • Trauma and the Brain, Trauma-Informed Care
  • Responding to Disclosure

To request training, workshop, or group discussion email

Get Involved!

To get involved with BraveBU efforts, please visit BraveBU