On-going Programs and Initiatives
Be Kind to Your Mind
Self-care is important and we are here to help share strategies and tips for students. Here are some quick tips to reduce stress and increase self-care:
- Eat healthy – water and healthy snacks
- Move – stay active
- Sleep – try to get 6-8 hours per night
- Talk to friends or family
- Breathe – breathing techniques
- Positive Affirmations – show compassion to yourself
- Unplug – take some time away from electronics and social media
- Yoga and stretching – can help decrease mood
- Journaling – write down your thoughts to help clear your mind
- Be creative – enjoy a hobby
- Take a Break – 10 minutes away for a mind break
The Relaxation Station is also available to students to unwind. The Relaxation Station will be set up in Centro during the academic year so you can get your mental and emotional health back on track! We will have various self-care and de-stress activities as well as healthy snacks!
Mental Health Screening Series
The Mental Health Screening Series is a group of in-person screening and awareness days offered throughout the academic year. In-person screenings offered include Alcohol, Depression, Eating Attitudes, and Anxiety. Educational information is provided to students about basic knowledge of common mental health issues, potential symptoms, or warning signs, and where to get help and support for themselves or a friend. Students also have access to the online mental health screening platform – it offers free, anonymous screenings that are accessible at any time.
Sleepy Knights
The Sleepy Knights Sleep Challenge is a 21-day challenge taking place during the spring semester. Participants try to sleep 7-9 hours a night and are asked to track their sleep each night utilizing a free sleep app. Participants will all receive a sleep mask and emails with a variety of sleep tips and education throughout the challenge. After completing the challenge, participants will be eligible to win one of three grand prizes. Sign up on Engage!
Cookies and Canvas
Cookies and Canvas is a late-night event held every fall semester that promotes stress management, self-care, and relaxation. This event provides students with an opportunity and space to relax and have fun with other students. Students will be provided all the art supplies that are needed.
Fresh Check Day
Fresh Check Day® is a program created by the Jordan Porco Foundation (JPF) and Bellarmine hosts it on campus every fall semester. It is an uplifting mental health promotion and suicide prevention event that includes interactive expo booths, peer-to-peer messaging, support of multiple campus departments and groups, free food, entertainment, and exciting giveaways. Fresh Check Day aims to create an approachable atmosphere where students are encouraged to engage in dialogue about mental health and helps to build a bridge between students and the mental health resources available.
National Eating Disorder Awareness Week
Mark your calendars! National Eating Disorders Awareness Week (#NEDAwareness) is held every spring semester at the end of February. We’re changing the conversation around food, body image, and eating disorders! Learn more at www.nedawareness.org.
Responsibility is More Than Just Luck
Learn about how to make responsible and healthy decision when it comes to drinking or helping a friend who has been drinking. Make your St. Patrick’s Day Pledge leading up to St. Patrick’s Day. No matter what your plans are for the holiday, you can pledge to keep you & your community safe. Be proud of the way you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
Finals are Ruff
Take a moment to relax and chill at the Finals are Ruff! event offered each day during finals week at the end of the fall and spring semester. There are a variety of activities that can help you de-stress and energize including pet therapy dogs, free chair massages, yoga, a Labyrinth, and coloring and crafts. Refreshments provided too!
Presentation Topics
The following is a list of topics that can be presented by Campus Wellness:
About Campus Wellness
Discover how your academic success is connected to your health and wellness. The Mind, Body, and Spirit wellness model will be covered along with campus resources, ways to get involved with Campus Wellness, and how to enhance your overall well-being. This workshop provided by Campus Recreation and Wellness.
BraveBU Bystander Empowerment Training
This training covers definitions and skills needed to be an active and empowered bystander on campus. Presented in connection with BraveBU.
Building Resilience
Discussion of factors that contribute to resilience, including social connection, values/goals, mindset, self-care and stress management. This workshop is provided by the Counseling Center.
Eat Well, Be Well
Participants will be aware of various food groups and understand the MyPlate recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. Participants will be able to identify proper portion sizes and heart-healthy foods. This workshop provided by Campus Recreation and Wellness.
Evolution of the American Diet
Program discusses various topics related to food including: Why do we eat what we eat? How the history of our country, advertising and status influences our food choices? The program is approximately 45 minutes and geared towards any audience. Presented by Health Services.
First Year Wellness Mistakes
The biggest mistakes college freshmen make is regards to their health and wellness; includes brief coverage of diet, exercise, sleep and stress. This program is specific for first year students. Presented by Health Services.
Helping a Distressed Student
How to recognize signs of emotional distress and strategies for supporting the student and making a referral to the Counseling Center. This workshop is provided by the Counseling Center.
LGBTQ Allies Training
Review of key concepts regarding sexual orientation and gender identity; and strategies for creating an affirming, inclusive environment for the LGBTQ community. This workshop is presented by the Counseling Center in conjunction with the Office of Identity and Inclusion and the Assistant Vice-President for Student Affairs.
Managing Test Anxiety
This program provides an overview of what causes test anxiety and strategies for reducing it. This workshop is provided by the Counseling Center.
Sleep Health – It’s Time to Play the Feud!
Learn about the importance of sleep while not falling asleep during this dynamic program (set up like the game show Family Feud) all about sleep health. The top answers about sleep and sleep health are on the board! As a result of this presentation, participants will be able to identify why sleep is important and list barriers that prevent them from quality sleep as college students. Participants will be able to list the health risks associated with sleep deprivation and brainstorm methods to increase quality sleep in their lives. This workshop provided by Campus Recreation and Wellness.
Stress Management
This program focuses on stress management by discussing an overview of factors that contribute to stress and techniques for reducing stress. This workshop is provided by the Counseling Center.
Don’t see what you are looking for on our list or have an idea? We are willing to meet and customize a program just for you! Reach out to us by visiting our Wellness Request Form.